Group 4’s Social Technology Ning is Launched!
Hi everyone!
Group 4’s site on “Social Technologies” is now open! You can find it at: . You will need to create a Ning account for yourself, if you are not already a member of Ning. Luckily, it’s free!

Please participate in the discussions, take a survey or two and explore the links. Most of the sections have RSS buttons, so you can pull in the feeds from the site. Probably the best one to use is the “Latest Activity” feed (
Enjoy being a part of our social learning network!
Anthony, Barbara, Cari, Ed, Erik and Noah
Please leave a comment if you have any issues…
1 davidp { 10.05.09 at 8:40 pm }
Bravo Noah and the Mod 4 team.
2 Ana Cecilia Tagliapietra { 10.05.09 at 9:36 pm }
Group 4, I just wanted to congratulate you!
You presented the material in a very user-friendly site that made the readings and videos so easy to browse and comment on, great work!
3 Ernest Pao { 10.05.09 at 11:21 pm }
Nice work Mod 4! I like the neat, new platform you’ve used to host your module presentation. Looking forward to exploring in more detail.
4 Sharon Hann { 10.06.09 at 8:21 am }
Ning! I’ll jump on over there now.
5 Bev { 10.06.09 at 10:33 pm }
Fabulous job Mod. 4. I really enjoyed the format of your presentation, learned a great deal and now have a ning account.
6 Cindy Leach { 10.07.09 at 5:38 am }
Agreed, great job Mod 4 team, I really enjoyed your materials!
7 Omar Ramroop { 10.07.09 at 12:35 pm }
Excellent job, Module 4 Team.
Great presentation, synopsis of information, and highlighting of the key affairs involved within social technologies today. Furthermore, you provided us with an easy to use forum for discussion purposes.
– Omar
8 jennie wong { 10.07.09 at 4:45 pm }
Module 4 team,
Great information and ideas. Love it.
It’s going to be tough to follow your act 🙂
9 Barrie Carter { 10.11.09 at 6:17 pm }
Hello Group 4 Members:
I really enjoyed exploring your site; it is informative, educational, and user-friendly.
As well, your site offers much in the way of video feeds (YouTube), content, images, poll questions, and a web.
Thank-you for sharing!
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