I need some help with Ning
Hi: I am working on a project for another course and am trying to embed some Youtube videos into my page. It seems to only want to go to page especially for videos- can anyone tell me how I get it to go to the page I want it on? Thanks
1 Marjorie del Mundo { 10.20.09 at 7:13 pm }
Hi Bev,
I emailed you about this and after re-reading your question, I realized you were specifically asking about a page. Sorry about that.
Go to YouTube and copy the Embed code for the video. Paste this embed code into the text box of the page where you would like it to go.
Hope this helps,
2 Bev { 10.20.09 at 8:05 pm }
Thanks- after much digging around I tried this and it worked. I was making it way more difficult than it needed to be. I have just spent the last 2 hours working on my page and it seems to have disappeared. Grrr.
3 Cindy Leach { 10.21.09 at 3:17 am }
Hi Bev,
After working with Ning on Module 5, my recommendation is that you ‘back-up’ your pages on a regular basis. What I did after each session editing was to copy and paste the content into Word so that if for some reason it went ‘missing’ I just had to copy and paste it back.
4 Bev { 10.21.09 at 8:48 am }
Thanks Cindy. I did find my pages after some digging around- but your idea is a great one!
5 Bev { 10.21.09 at 12:58 pm }
Cindy or anyone- the bottom of my page is not appearing- Is there a limit to how long a page can be. I tried to move something from the middle of the page to the end of the page and although it shows up on the edit page, when check it it doesn’t appear. Any idea why?
6 Cindy Leach { 10.22.09 at 3:06 am }
Hi Bev, there is no length limit that I know of, but I can’t think of a reason why your content isn’t showing up, sorry :o(
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