Module 7 One to One Technologies
Please begin by looking at this concept map to get a sense of the content we covered in this module. This initial concept map serves as a Module organizer only. Check back at the end of this week to see a more interactive concept map that you can use for summative review.
To start off the dialogue, we would like you to consider the following question FIRST and post your replies here, before proceeding to our NING site.
When you hear the term “One to One Technologies” what does it mean to you?
Once you have responded to the above question, please proceed to our Module 7 website:
There are instructions on the main page for navigating through the site.
You should be able to SIGN IN using the same email / password that you have used before, for NING.
There are many opportunities for you to engage in dialogue and discussion.
We will also provide an RSS feed so you can follow the discussion here.
Check back here throughout the week to view any posts that pertain to Module 7.
And feel free to post any comments or questions here as well.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy our presentation.
Kathleen Cavanagh, Cathy Jung, Merv LaBrash, Brian Powell, and Erica Toombs
We have also provided a video showing you how to navigate through our Module 7 NING presentation:

1 Erica T { 10.25.09 at 6:35 pm }
When you hear the term “One to One Technologies” what does it mean to you?
We welcome your initial opinions here, before you move to our NING presentation.
2 James Richardson { 10.25.09 at 6:50 pm }
Hi Erica,
The link to your ning site appears to be broken.
3 Greg Lewis { 10.25.09 at 7:30 pm }
I am being redundant but link appears to be broken. Can I go on to the NING presentation?
4 Greg Lewis { 10.25.09 at 7:33 pm }
I am hoping this is where I am to make my comment on “one to one technologies”. Honestly, I have no clue. I thought I was reasonably current but…I will be learning lots this week.
5 Ernest Pao { 10.25.09 at 9:00 pm }
Hi Mod 7 Group,
As others have already mentioned, your link doesn’t seem to work but I’m sure you’ll have it fixed up shortly.
As to your question about “one-to-one technologies”, I have no real clue. My best guess would be technologies that allow direct connection between individuals (e.g. cell phones, PDAs etc.). Am I even close? Well, I look forward to you presentation as I’m sure I have lots to learn.
6 Colin Cheng { 10.26.09 at 4:10 am }
My only understanding of one-to-one technologies is what was written on the ETEC 522 page. If I understand correctly, it means that every user is given the ability to work with one technology. For example, the photocopier in schools is shared amongst many staff members and therefore is not one-to-one technology. Even in many schools, computers are not one-to-one as there are shared computer workstations. With respect to students, computer labs are the only time when students get their own computer time but that is limited. One-to-one technology would imply then that every student in the school would always have access to one. Am I close?
7 Cathy Jung { 10.26.09 at 4:58 am }
Sorry for the confusion everyone. I’ve created a new post with the link to our presentation and have included it here as well.
8 Erica T { 10.26.09 at 6:28 am }
Thanks all for the heads up on the typo in the link which is now fixed in the original post.
9 Erica T { 10.26.09 at 6:30 am }
As far as your responses to the “what is one to one technologies”….I think it is interesting that most want to move on to the presentation and find out. Is that a sign that none of us are operating under that one to one ratio? … interesting to see your initial impressions here.
10 Mark Reed { 10.26.09 at 9:09 am }
Hello group 7 and fellow classmates
I have spent some time working on the notion of ubiquitous or 1-1 computing as I know other members of this class have through the initiation of many 1-1 laptop programs in classes they have worked in. To me 1-1 when it comes to laptops or mobile devices is the idea of ownership and relationship that comes with having that tool. Whether it is for communication (email,chat), course building(storage, word processing) or archiving (photos, movies) we all have a personal, vested relationship with our tool – thus – 121. Recently a professor pointed out to me the ubiquitous nature of golden arches (McDonalds) and the potential relationship this had to computing. This has caused me to think more about when is 121 too much? Do we all need our own everything? Can we work as effectively with perhaps personal spaces on the web and kiosks or shared access points? Back to who is driving the bus (or the Machine) us or the corporations?
For those of you who havent seen this video I would add the utube link “the machine is using us” but I am at school and access is blocked Grrrr anyway it is a bit off the topic of 121 but a good view.
11 Ammar Al-Attiyat { 10.26.09 at 11:17 am }
I first thought One 2 One is just a synonym to Peer 2 Peer (P2P) technologies which connects individual computer togehter for processors or file sharing (think of Naptser), then I took a peek on Mod7 page here … hmm it’s different .. will look forward to read and learn more about it.
12 Annette Smith { 10.26.09 at 11:29 am }
I really have no idea what 1-to-1 technologies really are. My best guess would be technologies that allow 1-to-1 communication, or interaction with the hardware or software.
Looking forward to the presentation when all will be revealed…
13 Liz Hood { 10.26.09 at 3:12 pm }
1 to 1 technologies….previously I had only heard the phrase in reference to schools which were 1 to 1 schools… one laptop for each student…perhaps however the phrase could refer to ANY technology to which there was a 1 to 1 ratio of user to technology?
14 Cari Wilson { 10.26.09 at 4:49 pm }
To me, 1-2-1 refers to any technology where each user has one of whatever it is. An example would be my classroom, where each student has access to a laptop. I have 30 students and 30 laptops. It would be the same if I had 30 ipods and 30 students – hey wait a minute….this sounds like a math problem!!
There are times when I think 1-2-1 is a great thing. However, there are times when not every child in my class needs their own laptop and when, in fact, it works better for them to collaborate 2-2-1.
My experience thus far has been with laptops, but I think 1-2-1 would apply to anything. I’m sure there are schools in Africa that would be thrilled with 1-2-1 pencils and paper!
I’m looking forward to this unit!
15 Barbara { 10.26.09 at 8:05 pm }
My experience with 1 2 1 is the OLPC project. I saw it in Uruguay where every primay school child has an XA laptop. The OLPC people explained it as an innoculation project, for the project to flourish every child must get his/her own computer. It must be pervasive and accompanied by ownership. One to one means each child can learn at their own pace, in their own learning style.
16 Iris Chan { 10.27.09 at 4:19 am }
1-to-1 technologies to me (before your presentation) means anything wthat we use individually. This can include something as simple as a pencil to something as complicated as a computer. I think it is an assumption to simply think that 1-to-1 technologies have only recently appeared with the advancement of computers and the Internet.
I also agree with Barbara that one-to-one includes any learner that learning in their own style and pace.
Hopefully, at the end of your presentation I will feel more confident in identifying what 1-to-1 technologies include.
17 Eveline Yu { 10.27.09 at 5:28 am }
I also have no idea what 1-to-1 technologies are – but I am going to guess that it is similar to the one-laptop-per-child (OLPC) idea – similar to several comments above.
My second guess would be that a student can learn through interaction with the technology directly – following instructions on the screen – rather than having a guide/teacher/instructor. This would probably be in the form of interactive games or programs that gives instructions, examples, and practice opportunities for the learner…
I may be totally off… but now I am curious to what it actually means. Heading off to your NING site…
18 Omar Ramroop { 10.27.09 at 11:39 am }
First of all, thank you for your introductory video, it provided clear steps for us all to follow this week.
As for your question:
When you hear the term “One to One Technologies” what does it mean to you?
I may be a little off, but I believe One to One Technologies involves accessibility for learners around the world. For instance, each learner having direct access to technologies such as their own netbook or PC. The One to One aspect would have to be the ratio meaning that each learner should have their own individual and personal access to such technologies.
For such an endeavour, obvious socio-economic, cultural, and geographical challenges must be overcome to achieve that level of accessibility globally.
I look forward to diving into deeper into your presentation and information.
– Omar
19 Cathy Jung { 10.27.09 at 5:16 pm }
We’re glad you found the intro video helpful (the creation is the work of Erica)
20 Noah Burdett { 10.27.09 at 6:19 pm }
Hi group 7,
Sorry if this is repetitive. I felt I should answer first and then read posts second. To me One to One technologies are those that provide independent use. What comes to mind are programs such as Rosetta Stone or other learning technologies that do not involve a group of users. However, it could also mean the connection between users in an intranet within a group or corporation…
I look forward to learning more.
21 Erik Van Dusen { 10.27.09 at 6:39 pm }
Hi Group 7,
I’m all set to start participating in your module, so I guess the first step is to take a stab at your intro question.
To me one-to-one refers to the ratio of a given technology to learners. Like one laptop/student or one iPod/student.
Now to see if I’m on the right track.
22 Ashley Jones { 10.27.09 at 7:54 pm }
One-to-one makes me think of one person to another, although it could also be one person to one technology.
23 Tony D { 10.27.09 at 8:27 pm }
I am just gonna take a stab at it and say it involves technologies that are used by one person and are available all the time therefore creating the one to one ratio of tech to user.
Let’s see!
24 Lorne Upton { 10.27.09 at 11:13 pm }
I missed this question and went directly to your presentation. It is very impressive. Thank you so much. I am going back for a second round.
25 Cindy Leach { 10.28.09 at 11:20 am }
My understadning would be anything that has a 1:1 correlation between the student and the technology. This is just a guess based on the title, but I look forward to learning more through your presentation.
26 Michel Lacoursiere { 10.28.09 at 4:27 pm }
I have always heard as one-to-one learning technologies in reference to a computer, tablet being used independently by each student. I think most of us are on the same page with this definition.
So far the presentation has been great, thanks!
27 Jay Dixon { 10.28.09 at 5:36 pm }
Five years ago this may have been a far fetched dream, now with the help of cell phones, laptops, and the more affordable price of computers one-2-one is becoming more of a reality.
Like many of the post before me I see the term one-2-one as a increase in tech-person ratio
28 jennie wong { 10.29.09 at 5:07 pm }
Team 7,
My idea of one to one technology is from one person to another and transmitting information This could include anything from a walkie talkie (yes they still have those) to cell phones, pagers and computers. I feel that it is really communication amongst two parties.
As you can see already, many individuals have cell phones and several are choosing to remove their land lines.
Cell phones are mobile, small, compact and does the job in terms of communicating one on one.
29 Barrie Carter { 11.01.09 at 10:29 am }
Hello Erica:
One-to-one technologies could mean one technology to one user, whatever that technology is. For example, I have a cell phone, a camcorder, a PDA, and a laptop and I am the one (or single) user.
My next items will be a digital tablet and a smart phone… they’re on my Christmas wish list.
30 dawinder mann { 11.01.09 at 8:45 pm }
Hi group 7,
My understanding is that one-to-one technology is when you have one piece of technology for each child. (One computer for each student)
A common ratio in our school district is the numbers of computers to student population. Our school averages about 1 computer to 5.2 student. Teacher computers are not counted in this calculation. For our school, one-to-one would be very expensive to achieve right now.
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