Light Track – Elevator Pitch
Below you will find my relatively short elevator pitch for Light Track, a system that enables interactive whiteboard interaction using inexpensive technologies.
This system is designed to give educators and presenters control over their content and supports their endeavours into digital education with a community portal, discussion groups, webinars, content/lesson sharing and an online learning community.

Interested? Visit for more information.
November 29, 2009 11 Comments
Ernie’s Elevator Pitch for Moodle to School Districts
Hi everyone,
After hours and hours of organizing students, filming, editing, and tech work, here’s my final product! Enjoy!
A Pitch for Moodle:
For further information, please see my proposal at
November 29, 2009 19 Comments
Elevator Pitch for Connected Computer Systems

Kask - Connected Computer Systems
November 28, 2009 16 Comments
Jen Wong’s Elevator Pitch for The Green Network
Sorry I haven’t emailed you this week. How was your weekend? Yesterday, I went to a Chinese wedding where they served shark fin soup. You know that I’m quite environmentally friendly and so I didn’t want to eat the soup. As I watched everyone enjoying their soup around the table, I couldn’t help but think about the sharks, polluted oceans, etc. Each seating at the table had a new label of a snowball shaped bottle of Coca-Cola with polar bears and snowflakes. I would have to admit, it’s a cute idea as it resembles a Christmas tree ornament. Sure enough, the polar bears got me thinking about their extinction as well. We cannot allow these environmental problems to continue; action must take place. We need to set a global shift into gear and create a Green Network. I put my ideas into a blog at I wondered what you thought of my ideas as we both share concerns on this topic.
Images from:
November 28, 2009 18 Comments
Elevator and Full Venture Pitch
Hello everyone!
Here’s my elevator pitch, I also had a hard time keeping it around 30 seconds- had to re-edit several times.
I’m looking forward to your comments, Ceci
SalaDeMaestros ElevatorPitch (To open file) ElevatorPitch (To view in YouTube)
You can view the complete Venture Pitch here:

November 27, 2009 18 Comments
Cari Wilson’s Venture Pitch (sort of!)
Hi everyone!
I chose to enter the UBC Global Minds Challenge, rather than creating a venture pitch. I have, however, created a short “elevator pitch” to share with all of you, so you know what I’ve done!
November 24, 2009 9 Comments