Monthly Archives: September 2010

What is text and why is it so important to us?

For me text is a natural extension of our language. It was an inevitable step we took in our development along with other technologies, like tool making. The development of systems to save and repeat our spoken utterances, to make … Continue reading

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Text is a verb too

I went searching for a dictionary definition of text in use as a verb, and was surprised to not find anything listed in the Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang. To me, using the word text as a verb (as in, … Continue reading

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Yahoo Technology

“You know the kind of situation. You’re at the office and your teenager and her cell phone are out there somewhere. You need to know what she’s up to, but you don’t really want all your cubicle neighbors to listen … Continue reading

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Technology, Art, Imagination

While looking for a quote that would sum up my thoughts on technology, I came across this quote from Daniel Bell. This quote immediately captured my attention. The simplicity of the words and the complexity of the array of potential … Continue reading

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Power of Text

The Oxford English Dictionary defines text as “the wording of anything written or printed; the structure formed by words in their order; the very words, phrases and sentences written”. Based on this, I thought what better way to express my … Continue reading

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Reviewing what we know

So listen to this fleeting world: A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream, A flash of lightning in a summer cloud, A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream. This is an exerpt from the Diamond Sutra … Continue reading

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Text as communication

We use the word “text” in many forms from referring to a book for a course with copious amounts of information to referring to “text” as a message sent between individuals. I found these two SMS poems on a site … Continue reading

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Rita’s Introduction

Hello all, I created this image to express my belief that the impact of new technologies for writing and reading is related with spirituality. They are co-emergent  and mutually interdependent. By drawing the connection educators can create educational experiences that … Continue reading

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When we were to define what we thought text was I wrote that it was a string of morphemes.  I soon found this definition to be very limited.  Once I thought of what it means I came up with the … Continue reading

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Technology for the Serious, for the Childish, for the Old, for the Young..

T echnology is a channel of expression. E ntertaining and frustrating simultaneously. C reating creative expression as one of it’s purposes H elping others to see, write, read, listen, smell, breathe, eat, walk and experience the world. N owhere but … Continue reading

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