What is text…?

What is Text…?

From wikipedia.org (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_(literary_theory)):

Text is a coherent set of symbols that transmits some kind of informative message

I chose this definition because no matter how much I have read on the subject (whether it be from course readings or what my classmates have shared) I keep coming back to the simple notion that text is used to form words or convey some sort of message.  Knowing the true root and origins of the word my opinions should have changed… right?  Wrong.   Perhaps the text that bests describes me is S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N?

Having said all of this I was really tempted to start a new post called “Text is Technology and Technology is Text”.  I think with a bit of elaboration I could have explained why I think Text is in fact Technology and vice versa – but I didn’t have the guts to make that leap.


Retrieved September 18, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_(literary_theory)

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What is technology…?

What is Technology…

From wikipedia.org (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology):

Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes culture.  Additionally, technology is the application of math, science, and the arts for the benefit of life as it is known. A modern example is the rise of communication technology, which has lessened barriers to human interaction and, as a result, has helped spawn new subcultures; the rise of cyberculture has, at its basis, the development of the Internet and the computer.

I chose this passage specifically for the phrase, “an activity that forms or changes culture”.  According to this, Technology could truly take any form… say, TEXT?  Text is technology because is has helped to change culture.  At the very least, text (the way it is used today) has really changed pop culture.  Maybe I am trying too hard, but it seems to me that the Text is Technology and Technology is Text.


Retrieved September 17, 2010 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology

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“Re-examine all that you have been told… dismiss that which insults your soul.” Walt Whitman

When is text more than text? I first read this quote almost 20 years ago and it is still with me. It still resonates with me. It’s more than a quote, it’s more than text, it’s more than skilled writing. It is a truth. It’s interesting how some text can become ‘larger than life’.

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When thinking about text and technology you need to be open and flexible to growth in your definition. This picture depicts the human skin as a type of technology akin to rocks, papyrus, or a computer screen. Like any of the latter it can be used as a canvas for text. What I have learned so far in this course is that it is best not to ‘box in’ a definition too closely, lest it burst its cage.

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It seems like technology is always evolving, with companies marketing their devices as a way to make our lives easier.  This comic plays on the marketing techniques used by corporations as it shows how something as simple as a coffee mug, that hasn’t changed in decades, can be showcased as the next great product.

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Text and Communication

Text is a form of communication. This comic incorporates four types of communication, (1) ‘written text’ which is displayed by the actual comic; (2) ‘texting’ referring to the exchange of written text between phones; (3) ‘morse code’ which is a form of communicating/transmitting text through a series of quick on and off motions through tones, lights or clicks; and finally (4) ‘verbal’ communication where the two chickens are talking to one another.  It also shows how methods of communication can shift in popularity.

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What’s in your head?


Texts are the sparks of light that start inside your head.
They are ideas.
You want to communicate them.
You want to share your sparks.
Technology helps you to deliver them.
The spark can say, “I love you. XO.”
Technology can be warm and fuzzy and bring people all around the world closer together.
Technology can create peace and understanding.
Or, the spark can say, “I hate you. Bomb!”
Technology can be an act of terrorism and drive people further apart.
Technology can help us spread viruses and make war.
But, technology is not good or bad.
It’s neutral.
Technology is a mere vehicle for transporting those sparks in your head.

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Text and it’s predominant medium

My view is that text is ‘written words.’  It is used to communicate, pass along, or archive knowledge.  Until recently, ‘written words’ meant written on paper, however, the digitalization of text has caused lines to be blurred.  Since the overwhelming use of computers is based on text, how much longer will paper be seen as society’s default medium of text?

Although I still think of  books and paper when I hear the word ‘text,’ students entering school today might not by the time they graduate.  Furthermore, even I have started turning down books and newspapers in favour of the electronic versions, however, my reasons have a lot more to do with space and organization, then it does with preferences in mediums for text.


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Isn’t text just simply words?

Well…. this is what I would have initially answered had you asked me prior to the start of my Masters program. I currently see text as characters, symbols or letters strategically arranged to transmit information. In a way, they are encoded so that the audience or reader may make meaning by decoding the characters, symbols or letters providing there is understanding of such (ie. different languages and characters used). With this being said, with the increasing use of the term media literacy and the continual evolution of technologies, will the term text simply be folded into “media literacy” as there appears to be a greater push in various forms of literacy representation as compared to the simple reading and writing? In other words, can text currently be represented beyond simply what is written (what we are accustomed to)?

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I have been pondering the definition of technology for the last few days but have yet to find a suitable definition which is probably the focus of this exercise. However, I do feel that in looking up it’s definition in dictionaries and through wikipedia, I feel that technology no matter how it is represented, as a whole evolves over time. As a result, technology whether it be classified as skills based, technique, approach, beneficial to humans, etc. is dependent on the current environment. However, as noted by Postman, “a new technology does not add or subtract anything. It changes everything.” This is perhaps a defining characteristic of what technology is and how it is represented and/or defined.


Postman, N. (1992). Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology. New York, NY. New York.

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