

By Matt Delbridge

After searching for various definitions about the term technology I learned that all these terms do not have a unique meaning. Yet, in my search it appeared in repeated occasions the following terms: art, skills, product and construct.  For this reason my own definition about technology is “any material created by humans that has a practical purpose and/or allows humans in creating new things”. The image represents the practical purpose of technology and the idea that this term involves materials and the production of something, which always involves creativity and problem solving.


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2 Responses to Technology

  1. Julie S says:

    Hi Matt,

    I like your definition but it made me think… what if someone uses a piece of wood as a hammer to hammer in a tent post. Is the piece of wood then a technology? A human did not make it but a human is using it for a practical purpose.

  2. Angela Novoa says:

    Hi Julie,

    One clarification: the creator of the image is Matt Delbridge. I (the user) am Angela Novoa (sorry for leading to a confusion).

    About your question, you kept me thinking. So maybe technology is not only things created by humans that has practical purposes, maybe technologies are just things that humans give a practical purpose to. Would I be right?

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