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Tag Archives: communication
Thoroughly Remediated!
Thinking about connections, I think probably the key connection that has helped bring sense to all we have discussed is “remediation.” Through the contributions of everyone in the course, I think it is fair to say that my understanding of … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections, Reflections
Tagged communication, literacy, multiliteracies, Orality, remediation
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Information and Media Literacy in Post Secondary Education
New literacy in the Digital Age: understanding the dynamics of needed information and media competencies in a post-secondary educational setting. Introduction As we progress through the early stages of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing a dramatic change in the … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
Tagged communication, education, flickr, Google, information literacy, literacy, media literacy, post-secondary, standards
From Handwriting to Typewriting
“It is probable that longhand will persist-at least until inventions have made the typewriter as easy to carry as a pen or pencil and within financial reach of all.” Alice E. Benbow, 1925 (as cited in Templin, 1960, p. 164) … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged Bolter, Chandler, communication, handwriting, Ong, text, tools, typewriting, writing, written word
We are tools of our tools…
My understanding of the word technology continues to expand and that is a good thing. Being asked to distinguish between text and technology through these postings has been a challenge. I think I said something to this effect about text, … Continue reading
Posted in Technology
Tagged communication, digital text, expressive competence, media, michael wesch
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Text Can Save Life
Photo: St Petersburg by Steve White2008 When I started to think what short passage that sheds light on the meaning of text I might use I remembered the sign I read many years ago in St Petersburg. The sign located … Continue reading
Posted in Text
Tagged communication, context, Cyrillic, language, reading, Russian, technology, translation, writing
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The Meaning of TEXT
After a few days of exploring the meaning of text and looking for ways to express my definition through words, image or video, I finally found this picture. For me, text is a representation of language and serves as … Continue reading