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Tag Archives: language
Exploring Text (redefined)
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Elliot This T. S. Elliot poem brings forth thougths about reflection … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections, Reflections, Text
Tagged labels, language, meaning, symbols, text, words
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Text Can Save Life
Photo: St Petersburg by Steve White2008 When I started to think what short passage that sheds light on the meaning of text I might use I remembered the sign I read many years ago in St Petersburg. The sign located … Continue reading
Posted in Text
Tagged communication, context, Cyrillic, language, reading, Russian, technology, translation, writing
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The Meaning of TEXT
After a few days of exploring the meaning of text and looking for ways to express my definition through words, image or video, I finally found this picture. For me, text is a representation of language and serves as … Continue reading
Literacy and Orality: Preserving endangered oral languages with literacy
In the book Orality and Literacy by Walter Ong (1982), the author describes how languages have evolved from an oral form to a written or literate form. He not only describes the origin of oral languages and the transitions to … Continue reading →