Peru Election 2006

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Archive for the ‘Political Violence’ Category

Vínculo Fujimori-militares

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Tras ser interrogado Alberto Fujimori el día de ayer por el fiscal supremo José Peláez Bardales en el juicio por la matanza de Barrios Altos y de La Cantuta, en su edición de hoy, el diario La República presentó una interesante infografía mostrando la convivencia del ex presidente con los militares desde su refugio en el Círculo Militar en 1990, su instalación en el SIE en 1991, para terminar en las instalaciones del SIN a partir de febrero de 1992. En este lapso de 7 años se creó el Grupo Colina, ocurrió la matanza de Barrios Altos y las desapariciones de La Cantuta.
Fuente: La República, 13 de diciembre del 2007
Por otro lado, con memorandos de felicitación, Fujimori premió “operaciones especiales” en las universidades, en el que por lo menos cuatro de los diez oficiales y suboficiales beneficiarios integraron luego el grupo Colina: Fernando Rodríguez Zabalbeascoa, Santiago Martin Rivas, Carlos Pichilingüe Guevara y Marcos Flores Albán; asi como Alberto Pinto Cárdenas, jefe del SIE en 1991, y Roberto Páucar Carbajal, los cuales estuvieron vinculados a la formación del destacamento de ejecuciones extrajudiciales.
Fuente: La República, 13 de diciembre del 2007

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Written by Max

December 13th, 2007 at 5:42 pm

Desclasifican secretos de Fujimori

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El Archivo de Seguridad Nacional (NSA, en inglés), un grupo de estudio que busca y divulga documentos clasificados como secretos en los Estados Unidos, reportó la publicación de una docena de memorandos, cables e informes que contienen datos relevantes sobre el conocimiento que tenía el ex presidente Fujimori sobre la actuación del grupo “Colina” y sobre la orden de que no se tomaran prisioneros del comando Túpac Amaru que tomaron la residencia del embajador japonés Morihisa Aoki a finales de 1996.

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Written by Max

December 11th, 2007 at 5:33 am

Ministerio Público acusaría a Ollanta Humala por “Andahuaylazo”

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La próxima semana Silvio Crespo, titular de la 38 Fiscalía Penal, decidirá si se incluirá como acusado a Ollanta Humala, líder del Partido Nacionalista Peruano (PNP), en el proceso judicial abierto contra su hermano Antauro y 160 personas por el asalto a la comisaría de Andahuaylas (Apurímac) en enero del 2005.

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Written by Max

November 22nd, 2006 at 11:49 am

Posted in Political Violence

La Primera: Se planea un complot contra Alan García

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El periodista Jaime de Althaus (La hora N del Canal N) anunció en la edición del día de ayer de su programa periodístico que la unidad de inteligencia de los Estados habría descubierto un complot contra la vida del actual Presidente de la República. Se trataría de un grupo de militares de ultraderecha.

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Written by Michael Ha

November 2nd, 2006 at 2:44 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Ollanta Humala procesado por asesinato y desaparición forzada

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Tras la denuncia del fiscal de Tocache, Arturo Campos, la jueza Miluska Cano López abrió investigación penal con impedimento de salida del país al ex candidato presidencial Ollanta Humala como autor intelectual de la desaparición forzada y asesinato de Natividad Ávila Rivera y Benigno Sullca Castro y por las lesiones de Jorge Ávila Rivera, trío detenido en junio de 1992, por personal de la base contrasubversiva de Madre Mía, en Tocache, San Martín. Humala deberá firmar todos los meses el libro de registro de procesados en el Poder Judicial.

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Written by Michael Ha

September 1st, 2006 at 11:53 am

Posted in Political Violence

Ollanta Humala Faces Charges in Connection with Madre Mia Abuses

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Fiscal denuncia a Ollanta Humala
By Edmundo Cruz
La Republica
16 de Agosto 2006

[English summary, courtesy of Living in Peru here].

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Written by Michael Ha

August 16th, 2006 at 8:47 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Segunda protesta contra el TLC fue parcial

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Source: La Primera, 05 de julio del 2006
Esta vez hubo menos manifestantes que durante la marcha de la semana pasada. Solo parcial resultó el paro nacional de 24 horas que organizó la Confederación Nacional Agraria (CNA) para rechazar la ratificación del Acuerdo de Promoción Comercial (TLC) con los Estados Unidos. Esta jornada de protestas se caracterizó por bloqueos de carreteras y manifestaciones con poca convocatoria en las ciudades del interior del país, acatándose en 8 regiones.

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Written by Michael Ha

July 5th, 2006 at 7:55 am

Posted in Political Violence

Jueza chilena da 30 días de plazo a denunciantes de matanzas en penales

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Los ciudadanos peruanos que denunciaron ante tribunales chilenos al presidente electo del Perú, Alan García Pérez, por los crímenes de lesa humanidad presuntamente cometidos durante su primer gobierno (1985-1990), Raúl Paiva y Rodolfo Noriega, del Comité de Refugiados de Perú en Chile, tienen un plazo de 30 días para acreditar que García no está siendo juzgado por los mismos delitos en el Perú.

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Written by Michael Ha

July 5th, 2006 at 7:44 am

Posted in Political Violence

Querella contra Alan García en Chile por violación a los DDHH

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Source: La República, 04 de julio del 2006
La jueza chilena Romy Rutherford admitió hoy a trámite una querella contra el Presidente electo de Perú, Alan García, por violaciones de los derechos humanos durante su primer mandato (1985-1990), la matanzas de presos pertenecientes a Sendero Luminoso y a otros grupos el 19 de junio de 1986 en las cárceles de El Frontón, Lurigancho y Santa Bárbara.

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Written by Michael Ha

July 4th, 2006 at 4:42 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Dircote halla manifiesto de Ollanta Humala a favor de “Andahuaylazo”

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Su situación se compromete. Ollanta Humala podría ser incluido como acusado en el proceso por el llamado “Andahuaylazo”, la Dircote halló en la guantera de la camioneta que trasladó a su hermano Antauro a dicha ciudad un manifiesto firmado por el ex candidato a la república.

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Written by Michael Ha

June 23rd, 2006 at 11:53 am

Posted in Political Violence

Frente de Centro, Restauración Nacional y PP formarán bancada única

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Los partidos Acción Popular, Somos Perú, Perú Posible y Restauración Nacional se unieron para formar una bancada en el nuevo Congreso. Este nuevo grupo consta de nueve miembros y llegaría a 15 después del plenario de Unión por el Perú.

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Written by Michael Ha

June 19th, 2006 at 9:02 am

Posted in Political Violence

El APRA y Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR)

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Written by Michael Ha

June 10th, 2006 at 4:28 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Opting for the Lesser Evil?

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Written by Michael Ha

May 31st, 2006 at 11:20 am

Public Statement against Impunity

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Written by Michael Ha

May 31st, 2006 at 8:25 am

Posted in Political Violence

Police Report: Political Violence in Cusco

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Three Ollanta Humala supporters were wounded during a clash between the supporters of Alan Garcia and Humala in Cusco last week. The police report indicates none of the wounded fired gunshots. This report contradicts Jorge Del Castillo’ version that a gunman, (wounded Vladimiro Santos) fired at the caravan carrying members of the APRA party.
Read also: Five Wounded in Battle Between APRA and UPP Militants in Cusco

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Written by Michael Ha

May 31st, 2006 at 7:32 am

Posted in Political Violence

Human Rights Groups: Madre Mia Allegations against Captain Carlos are True

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La Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH) has the “absolute certainty” there are elements of crimes against humanity perpetrated by Captain Carlos in Madre Mia in 1992. This was made public via a communiqué yesterday.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 31st, 2006 at 5:28 am

Posted in Political Violence

Measures to Ensure Citizens Safety on Election Day

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Close to 53,000 elements of the armed forces and police will supervise the electoral process on Sunday. The National Defense Council, called by President Alejandro Toledo yesterday, is investigating the possibility that a “paid revolt” could take place on election day, and allegations that foreigners have entered the country to provoke political unrest.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 30th, 2006 at 6:42 am

Posted in Political Violence

Five Wounded in Battle Between APRA and UPP Militants in Cusco

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May 26: Hemos añadido la cobertura de los diferentes medios de prensa.
May 25: A clash between the supporters of Alan Garcia and Ollanta Humala resulted in five people wounded, two (maybe three) by gunshot, in the city of Cusco. Details are sketchy, but it appears that Alan Garcia was on route to the airport when a confrontation occurred with a group of UPP supporters.
The APRA version: According to Jorge Del Castillo, a gunman fired at the caravan carrying members of the APRA party. The gunman was identified by Del Castillo as a retired police major by the name of Marcos Vladimiro Santos de la Gala.
The UPP version: Gonzalo García Nuñez, candidate for the vice presidency of the UPP, rejected the idea that his group was behind the violence, saying that APRA supporters initiated the violence. He said that members of the APRA entourage got out of their vehicles and fired at supporters of Humala.
The version that is being reported on the Channel 8 television at 8 pm this evening is that a mob of Humala supporters attacked the APRA caravan as it approached the airport. The caravan continued toward the airport, but a group of APRA militants returned to the scene of the confrontation and that is when gunfire occurred. Both sides may have been armed.
In recent days both candidates, Garcia and Humala, have experienced violence on the campaign trail. Humala was hit by an egg while campaigning in Comas; fist to cuffs ensued. Garcia was assaulted with eggs in the city of Huacho as he celebrated his 57th birthday, and again today in Cusco. The violence has become so routine that Humala now campaigns with the protection of improvised shields.
Comments by other fellow bloggers: (Casi) estuve en la balacera del Cusco

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Written by Michael Ha

May 26th, 2006 at 8:25 am

Posted in Political Violence

Interview with Antauro Humala

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Very interesting interview with Antauro Humala. It looks like the Peruvian intelligence service (SIN) knew about the plans for the Locumba uprising, maybe even exploited it, which is different from saying it was behind the uprising. According to Antauro, the uprising was a reaction to the compromise in which Fujimori would remain in office for one year before new elections would be held.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 24th, 2006 at 8:20 am

Posted in Political Violence

Vladimiro Montesinos Intervenes in Runoff Election

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Vladimiro Montesinos made statements apparently aimed at undermining the candidacy of Ollanta Humala. In a tape recording leaked to the press, Montesinos called Humala an opportunist and said that, as a military officer under the orders of the National Intelligence Service (SIN), Humala participated in illegal activities in support of the candidacy of Alberto Fujimori in 2000. He also said that the military rebellion led by Humala later in 2000 in Locumba was a farce that never placed the Fujimori government at risk.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 20th, 2006 at 7:15 am

JNE incauta volantes que insultaban a Alan García

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Source: Perú 21, 17 de mayo del 2006
Luego de acercarse a la fiscalía de turno Andrés Tello Velazco, director nacional de Defensa del Voto del APRA, para formular la denuncia respectiva, siete fiscalizadores de la Gerencia de Fiscalización Electoral del JNE, en coordinación con el Ministerio Público y la Policía, intervinieron la imprenta Richard ubicada en el Centro Comercial Lima, donde se encontró propaganda electoral contra Alan García. Isaac Humala, padre de Ollanta Humala, se opuso a esta requisa de volantes. El artículo 389 de la Ley Orgánica de Elecciones prohíbe la campaña proselitista que agravia el honor de un candidato.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 17th, 2006 at 8:25 am

Posted in Political Violence

Ollanta Humala reconoce financiamiento de Salomón Lerner y acusa al ejército de permitir “guerra sucia” en su contra

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Written by Michael Ha

May 17th, 2006 at 6:38 am

Posted in Political Violence

Sendero Luminoso se manifiesta contra Humala y García

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Gabriel Uribe, dirigente del Partido Comunista del Perú-Sendero Luminoso (PCP-SL), manifestó desde la clandestinidad a la agencia AFP, que Ollanta Humala debería ser “aplastado” en la segunda vuelta electoral y que sería “catastrófico” que Alan García fuera elegido presidente por segunda vez.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 16th, 2006 at 7:31 am

Posted in Political Violence

Congress Dithers over Amnesty

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In the face of evidence that the case of Locumba in 2000 was more of a farce than a Quixotic uprising, there has been some discussion of whether the amnesty subsequently granted to Ollanta Humala might be revoked so that the case might be further investigated by the judiciary. Once again, this case exposes the nefarious effects of legislative interference in the judiciary. The congress should never grant amnesties lightly, and the idea that it might revoke an amnesty once given underscores the reason why: members of congress make bad judges.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 12th, 2006 at 7:57 am

Caretas: “Humala & Chavez Could be the Best Thing for Garcia in a Long Time”

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Written by Michael Ha

May 5th, 2006 at 6:49 am

Ollanta Humala visitó Cayara, Ayacucho

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Source: El Comercio, 02 de mayo del 2006
El candidato presidencial de Unión por el Perú, Ollanta Humala, visitó Cayara, donde ocurrió una matanza durante el gobierno aprista de Alan García en mayo de 1988.
Read also: Derechos humanos selectivos

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Written by Michael Ha

May 2nd, 2006 at 7:14 am

Estuardo Loyola Machado and Adrián Villafuerte Macha

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Two military officers who signed “oaths of loyalty” to Vladimiro Montesinos remain key players in Ollanta Humala’s entourage.

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Written by Michael Ha

May 1st, 2006 at 7:51 am

Posted in Political Violence

Updated – APRA’s “sólido norte” vs Ollanta Humala

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On April 25, Ollanta Humala paid tribute to Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, founder of APRA, by visting his tomb during the second day of his tour to La Libertad. APRA followers responded angrily to the tribute and destroyed the floral arrangement. Humala also faced a hostile crowd the day before.
Today, local media covered the reactions of Humala and Alan Garcia to the incidents in La Libertad. Humala claims to be a victim of intolerance from supporters of APRA (also known as bufalos), while Garcia argues that Humala shows a double face by moving away from victimizer to become a victim to gain support. The hotililty in La Libertad is analyzed in an interview with Jorge Bruce. Bruce argues the fact that Nadine Heredia, wife and partner of Humala, did not go to the cementary with Humala was a sign the candidate anticipated a reaction there.
Source: La República, 26 de abril del 2006
Read also: Peru Election: First Punches

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Written by Michael Ha

April 27th, 2006 at 9:51 am

Electoral Violence: 15 Cases Reported

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La Republica reported today 15 cases of hostility against presidential candidates and media reporters during the electoral campaign. Lourdes Flores was target of seven of this attacks.

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Written by Michael Ha

April 27th, 2006 at 6:49 am

Humala & García Both Face Legal Issues

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Ollanta Humala refuses to appear before a judge in the case of the uprising in Andahuaylas led by his brother Antauro. Alan Garcia may face a new investigation into the 1986 massacre in El Fronton.

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Written by Michael Ha

April 24th, 2006 at 9:32 am

Posted in Political Violence

Juan Carlos Tafur sobre el triunfo de Ollanta Humala en Madre Mía

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Juan Carlos Tafur: “El triunfo de Ollanta Humala en Madre Mía y, coincidentemente, en el mapa donde más violencia y víctimas hubo, no es casual. Humala podrá ser visto como un violador de derechos humanos por algunos, pero para la mayoría fue el justiciero que eliminó terroristas y ahora el personaje capaz de vengarlos simbólicamente y de satisfacer ese odio resembrado por el gobierno actual.”

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Written by Michael Ha

April 19th, 2006 at 6:53 am

Posted in Political Violence

Carlos Tapia on Ollanta Humala

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The allegations that Ollanta Humala was responsible for human rights crimes places the left in an awkward position as they struggle with who to choose between candidates in the second round. Humala has a platform that resonates with the left, but he has not provided an account of his actions while commander of the military base in Madre Mia and the allegations against him are credible.
In this interview with La Republica, Carlos Tapia, former member of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, outlines the reasons for the rise of Ollanta Humala and his ability to capture voters that in the past have supported the left. The interviewer asks Tapia about how, as a former member of the CVR, he can support a candidate accused of human rights crimes. He answers that he supports Humala’s “great transformation” but that the human rights allegations should be investigated. The interview ends on an angry note as Tapia rejects the idea that because he votes for Humala he is a violator of human rights and a “Fuji-Montesinista.”
Tapia appears to have changed his tune since earlier this year when he criticized Humala for his authoritarianism: Ollanta y el ‘neovelasquismo’ electoral; Elecciones: Ollanta y las izquierdas; Carlos Tapia on Ollanta Humala’s Undemocratic Values; Ollanta: ¿policía municipal?

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Written by Michael Ha

April 19th, 2006 at 6:37 am

Dangerous Liaisons IV: Ollanta Humala’s Relations with the Montesinos Mafia

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Source: La República, 19 de abril del 2006

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Written by Michael Ha

April 19th, 2006 at 6:26 am

Ollanta Humala Won a Majority in Madre Mía

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uppmadre mia.jpg
Source: La Primera, 17 de abril del 2006
Ollanta Humala appears to have won an absolute majority of the vote in Madre Mia where he commanded a military base in 1992. According to Alfonso Adriánzen Mejía, UPP legal representative in that locality, the preliminary result vindicates Ollanta Humala against alleged human rights abuses.
Here is an idea for some entrepreneurial researcher or survey research firm: send a team to Madre Mia and conduct focus groups to nail down the reasons behind the vote.

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Written by Michael Ha

April 17th, 2006 at 7:32 am

Coverage of Yesterday’s Incident with Ollanta Humala

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Written by Michael Ha

April 10th, 2006 at 6:18 am

Reports of Isolated Shining Path Activities on Election Day

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Written by Michael Ha

April 10th, 2006 at 6:09 am

Posted in Political Violence

OAS Electoral Mission Press Release

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Written by Michael Ha

April 9th, 2006 at 1:59 pm

Shining Path Activities in Emergency Areas

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Written by Michael Ha

April 7th, 2006 at 5:35 am

Posted in Political Violence

Interview with Antauro Humala

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Written by Michael Ha

April 7th, 2006 at 5:04 am

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Shining Path Activity in Tingo Maria and Ayacucho

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Written by Michael Ha

April 6th, 2006 at 5:38 am

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CNDH – Report on Human Right Abuses in Huallaga

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Written by Michael Ha

April 5th, 2006 at 2:43 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Shining Path Threatens Voters in Huánuco in San Martín

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pintas senderistas.jpg
Source: Correo, 4 de abril del 2006
The Shining Path is threatening the population of Huánuco y San Martín, calling voters to stay at home. Meanwhile, in contradictory news, the leader of the New Left Movement (Movimiento Nueva Izquierda, MNI), Alberto Moreno, has been forced to deny allegations by the police that elements of the the Shining Path supporting his candidacy wtih a campaign of intimidation of peasants in Huánuco, Tingo María y Aucayacu.

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Written by Michael Ha

April 5th, 2006 at 7:47 am

Posted in Political Violence

Dangerous Liaisons: Ollanta Humala’s Relations with the Montesinos Mafia

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According to La Primera, Ollanta Humala has connections with a number of members of the mafia of Vladimiro Montesinos. These include Oscar Lopez Meneses, who supports Humala from prison, and has met with members of Humala’s graduating class. La Republica profiles Adrian Villafuerte Macha, who is part of the Humala campaign team and served under Cesar Saucedo, part of the Montesinos mafia. A piece in makes the Humala uprising in October 2000 look like a bit of a tragi-comedy. It suggests the rebellion was carried out with the connivance of senior officers linked to Montesinos.

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Written by Michael Ha

April 4th, 2006 at 7:22 am

Primeros resultados de la investigación a Ollanta Humala por violación a los DDHH se verían en julio

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Written by Michael Ha

March 30th, 2006 at 6:25 am

Ollanta Humala’s Record of Military Service

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Investigative journalist Edmundo Cruz describes what we know–and what we do not know–about Ollanta Humala’s 25 years of military service.
Source: La República, 29 de marzo del 2006

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Written by Michael Ha

March 29th, 2006 at 4:12 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Antauro Humala Statements

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Written by Michael Ha

March 28th, 2006 at 6:26 am

Human Rights Watch: “Military Shields Identity of Rights Abusers”

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According to Human Rights Watch: “Peru’s military has systematically failed to provide courts and prosecutors with the identities of military personnel under investigation for human rights abuses committed during the country’s armed conflict.”

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Written by Michael Ha

March 24th, 2006 at 2:56 pm

Posted in Political Violence

Ollanta Humala and “Operación Cuchara” in Madre Mía

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Written by Michael Ha

March 24th, 2006 at 6:05 am

Posted in Political Violence

Ollanta Humala pide que supuesto testigo de los hechos de Madre Mía de la cara

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Ante la noticia publicada por el diario Perú 21 sobre un oficial del Ejército dispuesto a corroborar las denuncias por crímenes de lesa humanidad que habría cometido Ollanta Humala cuando se desempeñó como jefe de la base Madre Mía, en Tingo María, el candidato presidencial de Unión Por el Perú (UPP) les responde.

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Written by Michael Ha

March 20th, 2006 at 5:57 am

Constitutional Tribunal Against Amnesty to Victor Polay & Abimael Guzman

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The President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Victor Garcia Toma, expressed his opposition to a grant of amnesty to Victor Polay and Abimael Guzman, as proposed by Isaac Humala. In respose to a communiqué asking for a fair sentence for Victor Polay, the president of the Constitutional Tribunal stated that all Peruvians have the right to a fair process, as granted by the Constitution.

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Written by Michael Ha

March 20th, 2006 at 5:40 am

Posted in Political Violence

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