Lesson 2.1: Unpacking Assumptions

checkbox2Category to select: A. Unpacking Assumptions
Due on Friday of Week 2.

Determining how we could or should use technology in math and science learning environments and how technology might be used to support or enhance learning is an important issue in educational technology. To explore this issue, start with your own perspective. Without referring to any books or resources, briefly jot down your views in response to what “counts” as good use of technology in math and science learning environments.

Using your notes, elaborate by considering the following questions more fully in a blog post:

  • What is a good use of digital technology in the math and science classroom? What would such a learning experience and environment look like? What would be some characteristics of what it is and what it isn’t? How might a learning experience with technology address a conceptual challenge, such as the one you researched in the last lesson?
  • What makes this a good use of digital technology? Is this a vision or is it possible in real classrooms? What makes this vision a challenge to implement and what might be needed to actualize it?

1. Publish a blog post with your perspectives on these questions and,

2. Respond to others’ posts in another thread by the date above (check the calendar). This task will also provide a starting point for your Framing Issue paper. You will revisit your response to the questions above in order to examine how your assumptions and perspectives are shaped and re-shaped by your engagement with the activities in Module A.

3. If you are doing the e-folio option as your Legacy of Learning assignment, include this brief writing (no more than 250 words) in your inquiry e-folio.

Technology is not just a digital textbook

Posted by jwlewis on May 28, 2017

Is Technology Just Another Tool?

Posted by seanturn on May 27, 2017

Good use= Effective use?

Posted by Wanyi Wong on

Seymour Papert and Constructivist Opportunities

Posted by Allen Wideman on May 26, 2017

Moving beyond substitution

Posted by Cristina Leo on

A Means to an End…

Posted by Derek Cowan on

What constitutes a good use of educational technology?

Posted by maureen boyle on

Med ed and digital technology

Posted by momoe on

Deeper Learning

Posted by DANIELLE PETERS on May 25, 2017

Value Added

Posted by Ryan Silverthorne on

Use What You Have!

Posted by Kirsten Ocoin on

Good use of digital technology in a math classroom

Posted by Gary Ma on May 24, 2017

The Flex Glove Exoskeleton

Posted by Michael Hengeveld on

Technology for creative and critical thinking

Posted by Jocelynn Mortlock on

What is a good use of digital technology in the math and science classroom?

Posted by YooYoung on

Pedagogy and Technology

Posted by baljeet gill on

Digital Literacy

Posted by Nathan Lott on May 23, 2017

Tech in the Classroom

Posted by Natalie Roberts on

Technology Intergration

Posted by Sarah Winkler on May 22, 2017

What is good use of technology in a math or science class?

Posted by Laurie Campbell on

Playing with Simulations

Posted by Andrew Yeung on May 21, 2017

Unpacking Assumptions

Posted by haneefa corbie on January 28, 2017

Using Technology to Engage

Posted by tyler kolpin on January 17, 2017

Unpacking our assumptions about technology use: if, when, and how

Posted by samia on January 16, 2017

One size fits all?

Posted by Joshua Elsdon on January 15, 2017