Here’s our second paraphrased debate highlights, this time from Tuesday. Tuesday’s debates were much livelier, with plenty of joke questions from both floor and moderation. Our most pressing question, however, was this: Why did Matt Parson have his shoes off? Major gross.
TUESDAY TUESDAY gonna try to slyly reference my role in a fraternity on Tuesday?
Question 5. Imagine you’re taking the AMS out on a date. Describe the date.
B: I’d send her a text that said “Hey girl, what are you doing tonight?” Take her to my favourite Italian restaurant on Robson, because I’m Italian. We’d eat delicious pasta, either vegetarian or not, depending on what the AMS is. Beautiful red wine. We’d talk about things that are important to her.
AJ: We’d take advantage of all the great things that UBC has to offer. We could start the day at the Museum of Anthropology, then trek down to Beaty and stare at the whale. Afterward, we could go to Sage and order some wine on our meal cards, because I’m assuming the AMS lives in residence? And is a first year? Wait, no, I don’t want to date the AMS any more. … Um. And then we would go to a Council meeting together. [Editor’s note: this can actually be sexy]
M: Considering how old the AMS is, I don’t know what I could take her out to. Maybe some tea and cribbage? and then, after that, maybe take her back to the frat house.
Question 9. As president, would you endorse the UBC Undie Run? And would you lead the pack?
Matt: I was on the Ubyssey video last year, doing a flip off the diving board! Wait, I shouldn’t have said that. But of course I endorse it! It’s fantastic, and the clothes go to charity! This is what college is all about!

AJ: I don’t think the AMS should officially endorse it… because it would lose its cool factor. But I would be there, why not?
B: [Raising his eyebrows, making inappropriate eye contact.] Yes. (Jeremy McElroy: “Creepy.”)
16: Are you worried about abusing power? How would you meet the challenge of using your power wisely?
[Boring answers explicating the balance of power in the AMS.]
Matt: [In addition to all the things the other candidates said] my friends are always making fun of me.

18: Ben: Are you going to Jello wrestle with me on Wednesday?
AJ: …sure?
M: I’ve been watching WWF clips all week.
19: The current President, Jeremy McElroy, is known for his beard. In fact, he used it for his campaign posters. He’s known as the guy with the beard. How do you want to see yourself branded?
AJ: Visual imagery? Topknot, big glasses. My real answer? As a strong leader.
M: I guess glasses and plaid is the theme?
B: [Smirking, wiggling his face.] Hey, girl.
We’ve achieved immortality.
This post was written by Kai, who has never jello wrestled in her life. She has, however, apparently dated both the figurative and literal face of the AMS.