Module 5 Survey Results & Collaborative Mind Map

Good Evening ETEC 522,

Please note that the ‘Conclusion’ tab for Module 5 has now been populated with the final version of our collaborative mind map as well as the results of the survey we asked you to complete at the beginning of this week. 

Thanks so much to all who participated and made these activities a success :o)

October 16, 2009   6 Comments

Facebook podcast

I have come across some podcasts at iTunes U.  Look up the Oxford Internet Institute and under that a podcast with Bernie Hogan (Sociologist and Social Network Analyst) on “Facebook: The Strength of Weak Ties”.  It looks at and perhaps offers a different view of Facebook and the relationships we have there vs our other relationships.

Facebook is #1 in UK and Canada, MySpace is #1 in US, Orkut is #1 in Brazil and India.

He looks at what happens when people do not participate in FB (for example, within a family) who miss certain interactions because they are not engaged. He talks about how some people equate being online = not being social while others feel the are being social on the internet.

Issues of equality, context, and information overload are also addressed.  Enjoy!  Sharon

October 16, 2009   2 Comments