The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing

Spelling with Flickr

I love fonts so in the spirit of our RipMixFeed activity, I found this tool for spelling out words using Flickr images. You can change up the images on-the-fly until you get a ‘word image’ that you like. Here is a sample of what I came up with:

typewriter key letter D I wood type letter G letter i T44 A l31

L orange letter I letter T letter E R A C Y

Create your own Flickr words at:


1 Rachel Bronk { 11.14.09 at 1:19 pm }

Very creative Natalie. Simple, yet effective!

2 Ashley Jones { 11.14.09 at 5:36 pm }

I love spelling with flickr! It looks so cool! Nice one!

3 Lindsey Martin { 11.16.09 at 12:02 pm }

This is great Natalie! I love the implicit message of digital literacy. The visual combined with reading. As Rachel and Ashley stated, simple and beautiful. Sometimes the most meaningful things are created out of simplicity.

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