The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing



Like Kelly, I originally created this “movie” using for ETEC 565 in the summer term.  When I saw the Rip/Mix/Feed assignment I, too, was drawn back to this project I created out of our family trip across Canada 2 summers ago.  Now it seems even more poignant to me as I realize that this trip, which seems like yesterday, was right before I started my MET journey.  Now, as I revisit it I am almost done.  With one more course to do in January the process of reflecting on this journey is very timely.

This term has been incredibly hard for me.  I got a garden variety flu right at the beginning of the term and three days after that ended I got “the” flu.  I have felt incredibly behind throughout the term.  With this term almost over I heave a great sigh of relief!

All journeys have their difficulties but are hopefully worth it in the end.

I look forward to getting back to my family who have all sacrificed something so I could pursue this goal.  They have been very patient.



1 Erin Gillespie { 11.20.09 at 6:05 am }

Hi Louise,

I really enjoyed your slide show! Thanks for introducing the tool. I’m new to it! I can relate to your carefree “journey” because we have identical MET paths. One more course and a whole new journey begins. Erin

2 Catherine Gagnon { 11.20.09 at 2:01 pm }

Louise, thanks for the movie. I recognized the pictures as I’ve taken a few cross country trips in years past. What struck me more was the text you added. You succeeded in making your trip a journey and we understand what it meant to you.


3 Clare Roche { 11.20.09 at 4:41 pm }

Louise, I really enjoyed taking this trip with you. I am so impressed with the way you fitted everything so smoothly together.

4 Ashley Jones { 11.20.09 at 7:58 pm }

What a beautiful country! Really makes me miss “home”! Thank-you for sharing! What a great way to capture a ‘journey’.

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