Monthly Archives: November 2010

How Word Processors Have Changed the Writing Process

Commentary #2 ~ Ryan Edgar ETEC 540 Source: Commentary #2: How word processors have changed the writing process There was a passage from our course notes that struck a chord with me.  It is this passage that I have … Continue reading

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Response to Dobson & Willinsky’s “Digital Literacy”

Teresa Dobson and John Willinsky’s “Digital Literacy” article offers a thorough historical overview of the realities and challenges of the written word in a digital landscape, but falls short in fully analysing some of the important changes in this evolving … Continue reading

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The Invention of the Telegraph

Here is a link to our WordPress site. Please come and have a look to learn all about the invention of the telegraph. Alison Baillie and Leslie Dawes

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Research Paper – Radio to Television

Introduction      When first approaching the topic of radio and the subsequent advent of television I did a brief mental tally. How many radios do I have, it was quite surprising when I started counting. There’s the clock radio alarms … Continue reading

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SHORTHAND – CAN YOU WRITE AS FAST AS YOU SPEAK? DEFINITION “Shorthand, also called stenography, is a system for rapid writing that uses symbols or abbreviations for letters, words, or phrases.” (1) Shorthand is any system of accelerated handwriting used for the transcription of the spoken word. Shorthand systems … Continue reading

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Nomenclature: The Influence of Systematic Naming

The development of nomenclature mirrors the development of ordered literary thought in the evolution from orality to literacy.  General and diffuse names for common things have, over time, become specific and intricate, with names allowing collective understanding to be wrapped … Continue reading

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Assignment 3 – The Telephone

INTRODUCTION: Just last month, I was at my sister’s house to celebrate my niece’s 12th birthday. A cousin of mine was also in attendance and his Blackberry kept buzzing all through dinner, so we got on the subject of cellular … Continue reading

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