Technology can’t be an alibi for bad teaching

One of my favourite quotes is Tony Bates’ statement on the relationship between technology and teaching: “Good teaching may overcome a poor choice of technology but technology will never save bad teaching.” (source:

Bridget quoted Vincent Jansen’s definition of technology: “Technology is a tool which leverages our capacity of neuronal stimulation…“. I would say that technology can help us to enhance our abilities, but it can’t create our abilities. I think this idea is behind Bates’ quote.

Additionally, every technology has its benefits and costs as stated by O’Donnell. In other words „every technology is both a burden and a blessing; not either-or, but this-and-that“ (Postman, 1992). Every educator needs to be familiar with both benefits and costs in order to use the right technology effectively. I suppose the Bates’ quote means that informed educator can compensate costs but whatever benefits a particular technology may bring it is worthless if it is not accompanied with good teaching.

Postman, N. (1992). Technopoly: The surrender of culture to technology. New York: Vintage Books.

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1 Response to Technology can’t be an alibi for bad teaching

  1. “Good teaching may overcome a poor choice of technology but technology will never save bad teaching”

    Powerful statement here! I just hope many of the modern educators are aware of this statement. With the influx of technological devices and applications, many educators are becoming reliant on these innovations and as a result, they fail to effectively integrate themselves in the teaching and learning situation. However, there’s no doubt that sooner than later they will all realize that the technology is only here to facilitate good teaching and not the other way round.


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