Monthly Archives: November 2011

Commentary #2 – Technology, human experience and memory

Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience, it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is, to commence as I said before with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason.    Leonardo da … Continue reading

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A Commentary on Bolter’s Chapter ” The Breakout of the Visual”

In the chapter called “The Breakout of the Visual”, Bolter (2001) continues to speak about the process of remediation, specifically about the current power struggle between visual media and text. Bolter describes a battle between word and image over which … Continue reading

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Is Homeostatis exclusive to Orality?

Introduction Ong posits that orality is homeostatic (Ong, 1982) and uses this characteristic to distinguish it from literacy. He defines homeostatis as the ability of orality to live in the present by “sloughing off memories which no longer have present … Continue reading

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Comentary # 2: Hypertext as the Remediation of Print

In the Chapter “Writing as a Technology” Bolter argues that our technical relationship to the writing space takes place between readers and writers. Literacy is the realization that language can have both a visual and an aural dimension as the … Continue reading

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Commentary 2: Response to Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think”

Published in 1945, but originally written in 1939, Vannevar Bush’s article, “As We May Think”, is a fantastical description of an imaginary information machine called the “Memex” (Buckland, 1992) (Bush, 1945).  Bush argued that existing methods of transmitting and reviewing … Continue reading

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