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Tag Archives: literacy
Thoroughly Remediated!
Thinking about connections, I think probably the key connection that has helped bring sense to all we have discussed is “remediation.” Through the contributions of everyone in the course, I think it is fair to say that my understanding of … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections, Reflections
Tagged communication, literacy, multiliteracies, Orality, remediation
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Creatures of Habit and Agents of Change
We are creatures of habit. This course is all about change, changing our habits and providing some knowledge to help others change. Text Technologies: The changing spaces of reading and writing – I think I now know what the title … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections, Uncategorized
Tagged computers, education, innovation, knowledge, literacy, printing press, technology, text
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Information and Media Literacy in Post Secondary Education
New literacy in the Digital Age: understanding the dynamics of needed information and media competencies in a post-secondary educational setting. Introduction As we progress through the early stages of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing a dramatic change in the … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
Tagged communication, education, flickr, Google, information literacy, literacy, media literacy, post-secondary, standards
Unwired Curriculum in a Wired World
There is a growing sentiment in our society that today’s students need to be multiliterate, in order to be successful, functioning members of society. Literacy today means something quite different than it did 700 years ago. To be literate in … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
Tagged curriculum, digital literacy, literacy, multiliteracies
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Final Project: Social Semiotic Theory of Multimodality
To publish my project, I explored with the blogging tool Serendipity. Please visit my space here, where you will find my theoretical paper, my concept map, and a few other resources related to my topic. The story of how I installed … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project, Technology
Tagged Bolter, culture, Kress, literacy, social, technology, theory
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Opaque and Overhead Projector Technologies
For this assignment, I worked to study and contrast opaque and overhead projector technologies in the history of education. I also experimented with developing a hypertext version of my paper. You can explore my assignment 3 online space here!
Posted in Research Paper, Technology, Text
Tagged education, history, literacy, meaning, projectors, tools, visual
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The Invention of Photography
Introduction Photography was invented in the early 1800’s but the concepts of the two main components of photography: the camera and light sensitive chemicals, were known much earlier. By the late 1800’s photography was more than an invention, it had … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged camera, colour, ethics, film, flickr, Google, Kodak, literacy, media literacy, photography, video
A Critique of Postman’s View of Technology and Schooling
In his book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, Postman cautions against what he views as a prevailing movement towards a society where technology is increasingly in control of humanity (1992). He describes a world where technology is widely … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary 1, Technology
Tagged Chandler, computers, culture, literacy, Neil Postman, Ong, Postman, technological determinism
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Literacy and Orality: Preserving endangered oral languages with literacy
In the book Orality and Literacy by Walter Ong (1982), the author describes how languages have evolved from an oral form to a written or literate form. He not only describes the origin of oral languages and the transitions to … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary 1
Tagged computers, culture, fluent speakers, Indigenous, language, literacy, Orality, technology
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Danielle’s Ong Commentary
I have chosen to write a commentary on Ong’s (1982) fourth chapter entitled Writing Restructures Consciousness because I am finding the history of writing fascinating and I wanted to explore the questions surrounding the human motivation to write as well … Continue reading
Commentary 1: Developmental Theory and Cultural Literacies
A child is born into the world without any understanding of oral or written literacy. Much like literate cultures can trace their understandings back to an oral tradition, children are not naturally predisposed to the ability to read or write. … Continue reading
Commentary #1: Determined by technology or determined by our actions
Postman’s article, The Judgement of Thamus (Postman, 1993), illustrates how new technologies alter our conception of reality. This transformation is an ecological change. The intrusion of a new technology involves an entire culture and context. It is not possible to … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary 1
Tagged literacy, Orality, technological determinism, technology, text
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Is Homeostatis exclusive to Orality?
Introduction Ong posits that orality is homeostatic (Ong, 1982) and uses this characteristic to distinguish it from literacy. He defines homeostatis as the ability of orality to live in the present by “sloughing off memories which no longer have present … Continue reading →