Ian’s Introduction
Hi all,
My name is Ian Doktor, and I’m a high school science and math teacher, finally (after 3 years in Japan and Hong Kong) back in Vancouver. Its great to be back in Canada, but its been a huge amount of work. This is my 7th MET course and the only one I’m taking this semester (if I tried to take more I get the feeling my head would explode at this point). I’m a bit pensive about the course to be perfectly honest. I’m not much of an entrepreneur; the closest thing I have to private sector experience is a few private schools I worked for in Hong Kong and Mexico. I’ve never really given any thought to Education as a business venture on any level, so this should be an eye opening course for me.
1 Cari Wilson { 09.09.09 at 3:30 pm }
Welcome back to Canada!
2 Ernest Pao { 09.09.09 at 4:08 pm }
Nice to see you in this class, buddy! I was just in Asia this past summer and it was just way too hot for me.
3 Michel Lacoursiere { 09.09.09 at 5:44 pm }
Welcome back Ian! How was moving your life across continents?
Glad to have you in another class.
4 Sean McMinn { 09.09.09 at 6:15 pm }
Hey Ian!
Good to see you, again. So you left HK, eh. While I’m enjoying it here, I don’t blame you for many reasons — weather being one of them! And if I were to leave it would probably be for Vancouver, too. The only thing stopping me is work.
Look forward to learning and working with you again.
5 jennie wong { 09.11.09 at 3:02 pm }
Hi Ian,
I answered your question on gmail.
Nice to see you back from abroad and teaching again.
6 Marjorie del Mundo { 09.11.09 at 8:57 pm }
Hi Ian,
Welcome back to Vancouver! Nice to see you in this course.
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