Hey ETEC 522
My name is Liz Hood and I am a media specialist in Rock Hill, SC, USA. (I believe we are called teacher-librarians in Canada). I currently serve in an IB-MYP school.While I am currently involved in K-12 education, my goal with the MET program is to move to training educators in the best implementation of technology within their specific curriculum area. I have completed 6 MET classes thus far and plan to graduate in May 2010.
Throughout my educational career, I have been fascinated by the dichotomy which exists between the business world and the educational arena. This course will provide business perspectives on education. I am in hopes that the education as an industry will incorporate some of the best practices evidenced in successful business ventures, though I myself struggle with the implementation.
My educational background is quite eclectic. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs, a Master’s degree in Spanish and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. I have worked as a K-12 educator for 20 years, evenly split between teaching Spanish and being a media specialist. I hold National Board Certification as a library media specialist, a rigorous process in the USA, which greatly influenced my teaching.
I fell in love with Canada virtually and have spent the last two summers travelling throughout BC, this past summer with my two boys. All 3 of us loved it. Our goal is to emigrate to the west coast of Canada.
Canada Day 2009 @ Prince George Park
September 12, 2009 No Comments
Hello from Ammar
Ammar Al-Attiyat
Hi Everyone,
My name is Ammar Al-Attiyat, I live and work in Cairo, Egypt (but my home country is Jordan), with ETEC 512 I’m taking my 3rd and 4th courses this semester.
I work for a technology company offering e-Learning products and services to clients from the Higher Education and Corporate markets. I manage a courseware development team (mainly instructional designers, multimedia specialists, content developers …etc). Also part of my job is to carry all Pre-Sales activities and support our sales team in the Middle East region (verrrrrrrrry busy traveling schedule most of the time 🙁 !!
It’s now 21 years since I earned my college degree (BSc, Computer Science), I spent the last 12 years of my career working directly with educational technology products and solutions.
My objective is to complement the practitioner/technologist experience I have with the business/theory behind it, I’ve never practiced teaching or training (though I’ve been coaching my subordinates, good or bad coach that’s another story 🙂 … coming from workplace environment, I have personal interest in Adult and Informal Learning (Web 2.0/eLearning 2.0 related technologies).
I’m father of two boys (11G & 7G) they attend an Off-Shore BC school here in Egypt.
I look forward to interact and learn from all of you.
September 12, 2009 No Comments
Hi All
I have completed 4 courses in the MET program and am now taking 3 more. I am finding the journey a steep up hill climb, but extremely rewarding. I am not sure what to expect from this course, but am excited to get into it.
I am currently on leave from my job as a jr-sr high math teacher in a small rural school in Southern Alberta. I have no role as a tech advisor in my school, but am very interested in technology integration in education. Having lived and taught in Africa for several years, I am interested in exploring the possibilities of ed. tech in developing areas.
I am looking forward to working with you all.
September 12, 2009 No Comments