Cindy (Leach) Plunkett

Finger Lock
You’ll see me listed as Cindy Leach, but I am now Cindy Plunkett, just haven’t gone through all of the red tape to change my name at UBC ;o) I have a B.A. Hons degree in English from Nipissing University, a B.Ed from the Primary Integrated program at UBC and a Teaching and Training Adults diploma. I worked for 10 years as a technical trainer and writer in the software industry for a financial planning software company called PlanPlus [] and Amdocs a Telco and IP billing software company [].
I now have a 9 month old daughter Hannah who keeps me very busy as well as working full time as a Training Specialist for the last 5 years at the Universtiy Health Network in Toronto, ON, Canada []. UHN is comprised of 3 hospital sites (Toronto General, Toronto Western and Princess Margaret) and has over 10,00 employees. It is one of the largest teaching hospitals and hospital networks in North America. I do 1:1 training, small group training, custom workflow training for new residents, blended learning as well as creating eLearning modules. We are just moving to a new LMS (Sum Total’s Total LMS). The hospital also uses other eLearning tools like Code Baby, Adobe Captivate, Second Life and we are currently working on the development of scenario based online games. In my evenings I am a karate instructor with Brooklin Wado-Kai [Brooklin Karate], teaching in both the children’s and the family classes.
I look forward to working with all of you!
1 comment
1 Brian Powell { 09.17.09 at 10:35 pm }
Hi Cindy. Hannah is a pretty name. It’s my daughter’s name, too.
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