Ingenia Training

Ingenia Training is a boutique consulting firm that provides training and educational services.

CEO Credibility

The CEO for Ingenia clearly explains the identified challenges or obstacles, but has a clear vision of how to resolve them if encountered. I found interesting the fact that the CEO does not “hide” or diminish the obstacles of the market, rather she presents alternatives and solutions for them.

Management Team

The CEO does mention that Ingenia is integrated by a group of professionals with postgraduate degrees (most with masters and a couple with Ph D’s) with enough expertise to solve problems and propose solutions. The CEO uses the terms “young” and “strong” to define the company.

 Business Model

Ingenia has “done their homework”; they’ve visited Vietnam (their target market) and have apparently done research on population tendencies and educational habits.

Although they do present some arguments and relevant information from their market, the fact that they’ve visited the country only a couple of times is somewhat  surprising- especially if their intention is to offer a service oriented towards education and training.

Competitive Products

The pitch for Ingenia does present a realistic market size- they initially intend to start off with Vietnam and continue with the rest of Asia. The selling price does not seem too high, BUT the expected return is somewhat low (around 25%) and they do specify that there are already a couple of companies (Japanese) that offer training services in Vietnam.

 Market Readiness

They do not specify a certain time lapse to get their company on and about in Vietnam, but they do specify a 15 month period of market development trips.

Considering the market competitors and the difference in cultures, I think the path to Ingenia’s success is difficult and critical if they do not submerge in the culture to understand how and what might work.

 Technical Innovation

Ingenia does have an “edge”, they’re discovering a new market, but they don’t necessarily offer a new product for the market… they’re offering a new way to provide a service.

 Exit Strategy

They do have a vision of where they’d like to be, but the path to reach that goal is somewhat unclear.

 Overall Investment Status

As an EVA, I would currently not risk my investment capital in Ingenia. I would need to see proof that they know their targeted market well and that they’ve firmly established connections or relations to advance to the next level.

1 comment

1 Greg Lewis { 09.16.09 at 9:48 pm }


I liked your points re: the low number of times they had visited Vietnam and the culture of Vietnam and Ingenia having to do some more work on that. I wonder about the evaluation of the company and how much each of the “owners” has invested.


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