Amazon Kindle and Sony eBook: introducing the Cube

Amazon Kindle or Sony eBook

The product I have chosen to discuss is the e-book reader—such as the Amazon Kindle and the Sony eBook ( an interesting link:  The market potential for this type of product, especially if it were to expand available content and provide a user-friendly interface and better office software for note-taking and word-processing, seems strong.

Market focus: K-12, higher education, and corporate training needs.

Type of offering:  content and infrastructure.

Whose the buyer: learner buys personally and bought for learner.

Where: best suited to markets with internet services.

The technology works well with a well-developed e-learning system.


1 davidp { 09.21.09 at 9:18 pm }

Hi Lorne.

I’ve been fascinated by the e-book concept too. However, when you state…

“The market potential for this type of product, especially if it were to expand available content and provide a user-friendly interface and better office software for note-taking and word-processing, seems strong.”

Aren’t you describing a netbook?

2 Lorne Upton { 09.21.09 at 10:01 pm }

What I am describing is really a hybrid of the eBook and the Net-book. I would like to some more convergence here–a product that allows access to online content (a eBook function), readability (a eBook function), and office software ( a net-book function). At this point, to my understanding, neither product type does everything I would want to see in an electronic classroom interface.

3 davidp { 09.21.09 at 10:20 pm }

4 Lorne Upton { 09.22.09 at 8:20 pm }

I am not too sure what the Apple tablet will be like. The key with this product will likely be access to content.

5 davidp { 09.22.09 at 8:37 pm }

Well, you can probably imagine an Apple iTunes-like store for content, much like Amazon’s store for Kindle content.

In Amazon’s case the Kindle connects wirelessly using cellular networks to get to the store. Apple will likely try a similar gambit.

If there is already an iTunes University strategy for audio and video content (, you can probably imagine what the tablet strategy could bring with it in academic terms. I’ll bet it’s being tested at Stanford right now, just like iTunesU was.

6 Lorne Upton { 09.22.09 at 8:59 pm }

What about the content itself? How do you think Apple will gain access to content–what about the Google book deal? Do you think that might be an issue for the Apple tablet development?

7 davidp { 09.22.09 at 10:52 pm }

Well the brilliance of the iTunes deal was what brought credibility to music sharing on a commercial basis.

The key was working with music rights holders to find a price point (99 cents) that fit the packaging model of the iPod and allowed you to legally collect selected digital music without having to purchase any atoms (CDs).

I expect a similar innovative strategy will emerge to supply multimedia content for any new product from Apple.

8 Colin Cheng { 09.27.09 at 12:32 pm }

I am interested in the possible side effects of these products. While this is a great product for people with visual disabilities (many e-book readers allow the user to adjust the font size, thus opening up the market to readers requiring large print), I’m wondering if there could be any possible medical issues that will develop as a result of the use of these products. For example, we already know that sustained use of CRT monitors can lead to tiredness, yawning, short-sightedness and tooth grinding at night ( when used at certain refresh rates.

9 Lorne Upton { 09.27.09 at 11:58 pm }

Take a look at this site. There may be some answers to your questions here.

10 Cindy Leach { 10.08.09 at 11:29 am }

Hmmm, very interesting dialogue, my husband and I were going to buy Sony eBooks for each other for Christmas this year, but we may have to take a look at the Apple offering. For us it is a great idea as we both devour books, we have no more room for more hard copy books at this time, we are constantly donating to the library and it’s difficult to lug multiple books with you on vacation. Also I ride the train to work, 1.5hrs each way…having an eBook would help fill in the time without weighing down my shoulder bag :o)

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