RRU Pitch
Royal Roads Pitch
Much has been said about the RRU pitch by Burgess. Here are my thoughts and impressions. I apologize for any repeats. I used the basic bullets a few of you used:
- CEO Credibility – Does this person exude capability and convey confidence that they will achieve success against all obstacles?
- The speaker provides a brief history, and a detailed presentation with many visuals however I do not feel a sense of credibility or confidence within the speaker. With a pitch I want to be sold. Within the first minute of a ten minute pitch I should be hooked. This presentation wanted me to skip forward. More credibility and a “hook” other than nice pictures would boost effectiveness in my opinion.
- Management Team – Have they assembled a stellar team along with the other human and material resources required for success
- It was mentioned that there were qualified individuals and a team. Time was spent on this yet in the end , I still wasn’t “hooked”.
- Business Model – Is this feasible? – have they done their homework? – are their arguments and information accurate and compelling?
- Burgess and her team have demonstrated that they have done their research and are well informed about the area. They have spent a great deal of time examining MIT.
- Competitive Products – What is a realistic market size, market share and selling price that these products or services can capture in a very competitive world?
- With the online market and the ever-changing dynamics of technology it is difficult to confirm a market size and share.
- Market Readiness – How long and difficult is their critical path to success?
- It will take time, and focus on building reputation and relationships in order to build and create market readiness/success. I would say up to 4-5 years. Unfortunately plenty can change in this time too politically, technologically, and also with staffing. The ability to adapt will be necessary.
- Technical Innovation – Do they have an edge, and can they keep it?
- RRU has an existing positive reputation that can be used to support new initiatives . Together with retaining the project leaders and enthusiasm they may be able to maintain this as an edge.
- Exit Strategy – Do they really know what success looks like – is their destination clear.
- I would argue that rather than looking for the “final” picture of “success” is not as important as the smaller indicators of success. Establishing staged indicators allows for ongoing reflection, improvement, and also a means to promote any success areas along the way.
- Overall Investment Status – Am I going to risk my investment capital on this proposition?
- From just viewing this video a couple times I am going against the post of a few of you in the course and say no I would not risk a cent. It is well researched has potential and I agree with much of it, but I am not sold in a way that I would invest. In my opinion they need to work on the presentation of their pitch much more.
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