Bplans Pitch Site
A VERY new (pitches are not quite public yet) addition to bplans.com this section of the site allows users to post video pitches to the community to be evaluated (looks like 522 has some competition). With a host of other free information on pitches and business plans, this site would be well worth a browse in preparing to develop your own pitch. Welcome video by Tim Berry gives some solid thoughts on developing a pitch.

1 davidp { 09.21.09 at 8:57 pm }
Many thanks for this resource, Jeff.
It’s really useful to see how others pitch their products or services.
Many of the pitches at https://www.youtube.com/edu might even be considered marketing pitches for universities. Interesting to see how this user-generated video resource can be tailored to suit so many uses.
2 Ashley Jones { 09.22.09 at 6:28 pm }
Thanks Jeff! Thats a great site!
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