Elluminate Cubed
Elluminate As a BC offshore school in China, our institution needs to obtain information from the Ministry of Education regarding important updates and information. Currently, the month of September is a very busy time for our secondary school. There are new dates and processes to acquire and document for the upcoming school year. In order for BC offshore schools to obtain information, Elluminate is used to bring together different schools across the globe.
Face 1: Market Focus Elluminate targets a market that is both academic and business inclined.
It is not restricted to simply a high school or a post-secondary institution because the service and product itself is a very open-ended tool. The ability to get support regarding audio, chat and video is simply too hard to resist for any company who have different communication needs. Regardless of the situation, if there is an opportunity for communication Elluminate provides a method that is appropriate for the situation. It does not restrict the target group by context but it keeps the product flexible. As long as communication over distances are required, Elluminate offers a well-equipped online space to do so.
Face 2: Types of Offerings
Elluminate’s flexibility arises from the types of offers it gives to its consumers. Not only does it focus on a service but it also provides the infrastructure to deliver content. Rather than limiting the product to one type of offering, Elluminate is capable of others as well. Users can use the different abilities embedded in Elluminate and shape it according to their needs. Within my current context, the function of Elluminate is to deliver vital information from the Ministry to train local administration regarding the important elements of being an offshore school. All the strengths of Elluminate can provide a very powerful piece of infrastructure to transmit and present information. Not only can Elluminate be used for students but it can also be used to train fellow educators and provide for that communication need.
Face 3: Who is the Buyer?
Elluminate within my current situation would probably fall under the “Learning Bought for Learner”. The use of Elluminate was decided by the ministry representatives rather than the educators or the learners. The buyer is the Ministry of Education who decides if this is what we need to improve the educational quality of our program. Therefore, when it comes time to pitch Elluminate, the buyer is not as simple as it may look. The explanation of Elluminates’ needs to be customized in order to reach the people who would pay the money for this venture. The multipurpose function of this tool really generates genuine interest for investment especially in this field of education.
Face 4 – Global Markets
Asian markets with a quality internet connection
The Elluminate meetings are scheduled in advance with a direct link via email to access the site. As a backup to different quality internet connections across China, the Ministry has offered a powerpoint presentation to go along with the meeting. A version of the meeting with only the audio is also available to accommodate the varying connectivity options. As the Cube describes, the quality of internet connectivity varies from the interior of China to the exterior. This makes it very important for the ministry to provide its users with a range of delivery methods. With the growing number of offshore school appearing around the globe, the Asian market is just one of the many global markets interested in a different educational philosophy and system.
Face 5 – Development of the Market
Market Supports Import of Content and Infrastructure Category
There are no similar local options and the development of the market will truly influence Elluminate to thrive. As the need for more communication to happen for our offshore program, Elluminate has made it possible to faciliate and create a space for everyone to get together even across time zones and distance.
Face 6 – Learning Technology Works With a Well-Developed Learning System
Ellluminate is working well with a well-developed learning system. It is used not only with the learners but also with the training of administrators for offshore schools. The tool is flexible enough to be used to educate content but also to educate key players in the system. From Elluminate’s own website, there are many examples where Elluminate does not intrude on the current technologies being used but it works with different platforms. The tool itself is used to create new methods of distribution but it also enhances the existing systems and curriculum.
1 Greg Lewis { 09.22.09 at 10:53 am }
I have used Elluminate in the past when doing a project that brought together parties from four different provinces in Canada. Very much agree with your synopsis of its capabilities and strengths. Works well in a variety of contexts for parties that have different focuses including a teacher delivering material to colleagues sharing ideas to administrators discussing challenges and what is/isn’t working. I can see how (as you say) it would be very useful/current in offshore schools, especially in China where connectivity varies greatly.
2 davidp { 09.22.09 at 11:35 am }
The company has also configured Elluminate in a way that allows you to buy it as a product and operate yourself, or buy it as a hosted service. All you have to do is supply content and users.
Thanks for this cube analysis, Iris.
3 Ammar Al-Attiyat { 09.24.09 at 4:06 pm }
Thank you Iris, as a father of two boys in an offshore BC school here in Cairo, Egypt .. I would definitely would love to see this technology applied in the school. I would imagine the difference it would make in the current situation we’re facing where school has been postponed – due to swine flue preventive procedure exposed by the ministry of education here – from August 30th until October 3rd (so far !!) .. homework is being distributed to students at home “manually” .. I was just thinking recently of writing email about that to our principle.
btw, one free option I read about recently for similar technology – but with fewer features – is dimdim.com
4 Cindy Leach { 10.08.09 at 11:21 am }
Hi Iris, very thorough analysis. I was only recently introduced to Elluminate in my last course. Our group, who was distributed across the globe used it to ‘meet’ weekly to work on our project. It was so great to actually talk using the microphone and hear each other’s voices. It was much more personal than just IM. However, having the IM was also nice so that you could have side-bar going on at the same time as a speaker. We used the whiteboard quite a bit in this tool to keep ourselves on track and it was also nice to be able to open the web for all of us to view our progress on our Moodle course offering that we were working on at the time. I can see sooo much potential for this, would have been very useful at the hospital during SARS when we were not allowed to conduct f2f meetings
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