
The infrastructure for curriculum management in the undergraduate medicine program at my university is under strain. While the medicine program has expanded to 3 campuses in a distributed model and enrollment more than doubled, the learning management system (LMS), assessment, scheduling and curriculum management tools have not kept up and are not integrated. The solution is a system developed at a similiar medical school in the University of California at San Francisco. iLios, as it is called, is a curriculum management system which stores the content separately from the LMS in a learning object repository where it is tagged with metadata and can be accessed directly and developed by faculty and staff. Implementing this system here will make it easier to map and improve the curriculum in a way that makes the expansion sustainable.
For a copy of my full pitch email me at

December 1, 2009   No Comments

Integrating technology into Teaching by Barbara Mair

Medida y Compas is developing blended courses (part on line and part in person) for teachers to integrate technology into their teaching in Mexico. There is a big push to get Internet coverage throughout Mexico and it is very important to improve the quality of teaching in order not to lose any more generations.MyC pitch_0001. Teachers are willing to learn computer skills and new software. If you are interested in more information go to:

November 30, 2009   No Comments

Sean’s Pitch

For those who may have my venture to analyise, below is my pitch”

YouTube Preview Image


November 30, 2009   6 Comments

DavidV’s Venture Pitch

Yep, you read it right.  DavidV is part of the Venture Forum.

My real-life company CrowdTrust Technologies is in the process of launching a real-life product called “Gleanr” that I humbly believe will be the best learning technology ever invented(!). The marketing launch is December 7, but I’m keen to provide the world-class EVA’s of ETEC522 a very special sneak peek.

Gleanr (tagline “Sow what you know”) in educational terms is a next-generation hybrid of eportfolios and personal learning environments.   In web terms it is hyper-personalization, an emergence of “personal networking” that converges social networking, vertical search engines, and personal clouds (Twitter meets Google Reader meets Evernote meets LinkedIn).

I welcome your response to my elevator pitch (Gleanr Pitch).  Anyone who wants to review the full, confidential prospectus should email me directly.

Finally, I’m hoping that everyone will try Gleanr out sometime over the holidays.  Here’s an interim How To (Gleanr How To) until we get the onboarding/orientation materials into the product.   I will convey special charter membership and privileges to any ETEC522 students who provide me with good critical feedback.


November 29, 2009   10 Comments

Ernie’s Elevator Pitch for Moodle to School Districts

Hi everyone,

After hours and hours of  organizing students, filming, editing, and tech work, here’s my final product!  Enjoy!

A Pitch for Moodle:

For further information, please see my proposal at

November 29, 2009   19 Comments

Jen Wong’s Elevator Pitch for The Green Network

shark fin soapdont eat shark finplastic oceanpollution

coca cola roundpolar bear3 bottlesglobehands


Sorry I haven’t emailed you this week.  How was your weekend?  Yesterday, I went to a Chinese wedding where they served shark fin soup.  You know that I’m quite environmentally friendly and so I didn’t want to eat the soup.  As I watched everyone enjoying their soup around the table, I couldn’t help but think about the sharks, polluted oceans, etc.  Each seating at the table had a new label of a snowball shaped bottle of Coca-Cola with polar bears and snowflakes.  I would have to admit, it’s a cute idea as it resembles a Christmas tree ornament.  Sure enough, the polar bears got me thinking about their extinction as well.  We cannot allow these environmental problems to continue; action must take place.  We need to set a global shift into gear and create a Green Network.  I put my ideas into a blog at  I wondered what you thought of my ideas as we both share concerns on this topic.


Images from:

November 28, 2009   18 Comments

A3 & M12 Reminder

As everyone is likely deep into A3 by now, I just wanted to remind you that your deadline is end of day (Pacific) Sunday, November 29th.  Please email your submission directly to me.

One reason this is such a hard deadline is that, immediately following, I will be distributing your submission to a few of your peers for their EVA evaluation as part of the M12 Venture Forum.   Please review the outline for M12 to make sure you understand how the Venture Forum works and what is expected of you.  Some points to consider:

1.  If you feel uncomfortable about your submission being distributed for peer evaluation (exposure of intellectual property or other good reason) please let me know soon.

2.  Note that you need to compose and post an “elevator pitch” portion of your A3 assignment in this weblog by the same deadline (meaning, convey your message in 30 seconds or less (150 words max) to entice people to learn more).

Please respond here or email me if you have any questions about A3 or the upcoming Venture Forum.  I will be marking your A3 submissions.


November 20, 2009   7 Comments