A3 & M12 Reminder

As everyone is likely deep into A3 by now, I just wanted to remind you that your deadline is end of day (Pacific) Sunday, November 29th.  Please email your submission directly to me.

One reason this is such a hard deadline is that, immediately following, I will be distributing your submission to a few of your peers for their EVA evaluation as part of the M12 Venture Forum.   Please review the outline for M12 to make sure you understand how the Venture Forum works and what is expected of you.  Some points to consider:

1.  If you feel uncomfortable about your submission being distributed for peer evaluation (exposure of intellectual property or other good reason) please let me know soon.

2.  Note that you need to compose and post an “elevator pitch” portion of your A3 assignment in this weblog by the same deadline (meaning, convey your message in 30 seconds or less (150 words max) to entice people to learn more).

Please respond here or email me if you have any questions about A3 or the upcoming Venture Forum.  I will be marking your A3 submissions.



1 Ana Cecilia Tagliapietra { 11.21.09 at 2:11 pm }

Hi David…
Just to make sure:
We have to make a “Pitch Post” about a venture in 2 formats- an extended version for a complete analysis (send it directly to you) AND an “elevator pitch” of this same venture (posted on the Weblog).
We’ll later receive 10 different pitches which we’ll analyze and choose 3 to “invest” in- we’ll also post suggestions and recommendation for the remaining 7 ventures.
Am I missing something?

2 Erik Van Dusen { 11.21.09 at 2:30 pm }

Hi David,

What do you require from those who elected to submit a project to the UBC Global Minds Challenge?

3 Omar Ramroop { 11.22.09 at 9:19 am }

Hi David,

Just for clarification with regards to the rubric for Assignment 3:

– We create a pitch for our venture (Pitch /10)

– We create an executive summary (Value /5)

– Critical EVA (Is this our role in the venture forum? Or are we supposed to critically analyze our own pitch as well?)

– Self-evaluation (Is this a small write-up that we include when submitting our assignment? Or is this the strengths and weaknesses we present within our proposal?)


– Omar

4 David Vogt { 11.22.09 at 8:57 pm }

Thanks for asking –

Ceci, you’re exactly on track – thanks.

Erik – if you’ve done the Challenge you don’t need to submit something to the Venture Forum but I’m sure your peers would love to see a summary of your project (I won’t need it for grading).

Omar – Thanks for asking for this clarification. The executive summary is your elevator pitch that you put into the Venture Forum (5). Your longer venture pitch is your submission (10) which should be build on a strong framework of your EVA skills (another 5) directed in a constructive (persuasive) rather than deconstructive manner. The final (5) is for your self-analysis of your venture and the pitch process.



5 Omar Ramroop { 11.22.09 at 9:11 pm }

Thank you very much for the clarification, David.

The Venture Forum should be a fun experience to end the course with.

Thanks again,


6 Erica T { 11.26.09 at 10:25 am }

Does an elevator pitch have to be the traditional video monologue format, or does a mini (30 seconds) presentation also qualify as an elevator pitch?

7 David Vogt { 11.28.09 at 2:11 pm }

As with your primary pitch, use whatever medium allows you to be most persuasive. If video or audio, 30 seconds is max for an elevator pitch. If written, keep it well under 300 words.


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