Live Teacher: (Fictional Venture Pitch)

Hi everyone,

Here is a link to my wiki where you will find my full venture pitch and executive summary and elevator pitch.

Live Teacher is a fictional course management platform which creates ONE integrated course management system that is connected to all four levels in education; 1.Administration 2.Teachers 3.Students 4.Parents –No Overlap and easier for teachers to setup online content on.

Full Pitch & Elevator Pitch can be viewed at;



November 29, 2009   11 Comments

DavidV’s Venture Pitch

Yep, you read it right.  DavidV is part of the Venture Forum.

My real-life company CrowdTrust Technologies is in the process of launching a real-life product called “Gleanr” that I humbly believe will be the best learning technology ever invented(!). The marketing launch is December 7, but I’m keen to provide the world-class EVA’s of ETEC522 a very special sneak peek.

Gleanr (tagline “Sow what you know”) in educational terms is a next-generation hybrid of eportfolios and personal learning environments.   In web terms it is hyper-personalization, an emergence of “personal networking” that converges social networking, vertical search engines, and personal clouds (Twitter meets Google Reader meets Evernote meets LinkedIn).

I welcome your response to my elevator pitch (Gleanr Pitch).  Anyone who wants to review the full, confidential prospectus should email me directly.

Finally, I’m hoping that everyone will try Gleanr out sometime over the holidays.  Here’s an interim How To (Gleanr How To) until we get the onboarding/orientation materials into the product.   I will convey special charter membership and privileges to any ETEC522 students who provide me with good critical feedback.


November 29, 2009   10 Comments

Amy’s Serious Games for Serious Healthcare

Do you trust your healthcare professionals are providing you with optimal care? Are you safe? Do you feel comfortable knowing that 1.7 medical errors occur each day in the ICU, and many critically ill patients suffer a potentially life-threatening error at some point during their stay (Camiré et al., 2009)? The most frequent errors in healthcare are errors in the dose, wrong rate, wrong preparation technique, physicochemical incompatibility, wrong administration technique and wrong time (Camiré et al., 2009). 

Computerized health records and order entry can alleviate many of these issues, which is the focus of Calgary-based Patient Care Information Systems. But don’t get too comfortable with the idea of e-records. Errors still occur as e-record applications are operated by humans and regardless of how well an application functions, the application is only as good as the person operating it.

There is a solution! An online simulation game environment that permits clinical staff to practise using the applications in a safe environment that will increase efficiency and skills once users have access to real patient records.

Join the initiative to make healthcare safer and more accountable.

YouTube Preview Image


(Please note that the audio is set quite high, so you might want to adjust the volume. As well, I acknowledge that this video is longer than 30 minutes. However, this is only because I could not add my own audio and I had to use AT&T’s text to speech demo. I was able to read it much quicker that the computerized voice can, plus I sounded better. Unfortunately, I have learned not to leave my mic where my kids can access it. Lesson learned.)


Here is the full pitch:

November 29, 2009   24 Comments

‘SLY’ Elevator Pitch

YouTube Preview Image

Hi Everyone,

This business focuses on second life and moodle.



November 29, 2009   16 Comments

Barrie’s Venture Pitch

Hello Everyone:

To view my venture presentation in PowerPoint format, please click on the link:

If there are any uploading issues, please let me know.  Thank-you!



November 29, 2009   14 Comments

CUSP – Elevator Pitch

This pitch is geared towards healthcare administrators and healthcare staff, specifially those in Ontario but looking towards a nation-wide approach.  It is for the services of a group called CUSP, the Computer User Support Program.  Hopefully it will give a taste of our services and entice you to learn more.

30Sec_ElevatorPitch (1)

For a copy of my full pitch, please click here to download:


Cindy Plunkett

November 29, 2009   16 Comments

Implementing Digital Technologies in my School District

The term “digital divide” has been used to describe many situations that have occurred in response to the increasing use of digital technologies in education. My pitch has taken the form of a review of the District Technology Plan for the district I work in. Many people involved in this course have expressed points of view that support the way their experience in the MET program has contributed to their views on education. How do we as educators facilitate change in our classrooms, schools and district to reflect what we feel to be important developments in education based on the affordances provided through digital technologies? If you are interested in facilitating change in your environment to enable learners to utilize these new tools for learning then by reviewing existing plans and providing input regarding technology implementation your knowledge and experience can make an impact.

Please view my report here

November 29, 2009   9 Comments

Project Lakshmi

Here is my elevator pitch for my (fictitious) business venture:

YouTube Preview Image

The complete presentation can be viewed:

November 29, 2009   14 Comments

Vernier & Virtual Laboratories

Executive Summary

Science teachers across the globe are struggling to find ways to effectively integrate technology into their classes.  Rather then reinvent the wheel, Vernier has found a way to replace relatively old analog laboratory equipment with computerized data aquisition equipment.  Despite the introduction of this amazing equipment, there are still some drawbacks to it:

  • It can be prohibitively expensive
  • It is difficult for students to complete experiments or investigations individually
  • The technology can be complicated and difficult for both teachers and students to use

This proposal outlines a remarkable (fictitious) device that will address all these problems.

To view this presentation visit the wiki at:


November 29, 2009   15 Comments

Cathy’s Elevator Pitch

Online Towing Simulation Tool

For over 100 years, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has been helping the motoring public. Emergency Road Service or towing has become the corner stone of our organization. Our Online Towing Simulation Tool is unique and addresses the daily scenarios tow truck drivers’ face.

Simulations have been used successfully in a number of fields such as aviation and medicine. Which begs the question, why not for the towing industry which presents equal risks?

Tow truck drivers are exposed to hazards often working in dangerous conditions – on the highway, in ditches and with heavy equipment. Adverse weather conditions further complicate this as rain, snow and fog increase the danger of each tow call. Through the Simulation Tool, such conditions can be explored in a risk free environment eliminating physical injury or property damage. By providing an immersive experience tow truck drivers can practice, hone skills, gain confidence and continuously learn.

My full venture pitch is found on You Tube, see below.

YouTube Preview Image


November 29, 2009   26 Comments