Elevator and Full Venture Pitch

Hello everyone!

Here’s my elevator pitch, I also had a hard time keeping it around 30 seconds- had to re-edit several times.

I’m looking forward to your comments, Ceci

SalaDeMaestros ElevatorPitch (To open file)

SalaDeMaestros.com ElevatorPitch  (To view in YouTube)

You can view the complete Venture Pitch here:

YouTube Preview Image

November 27, 2009   18 Comments

Jim’s Elevator Pitch

Hi All,

I just wrapped up my pitch. You can find it at Screencast.com


I apologize for the sound quality in advance. At least I kept my mug out of the project!  I think the building has a lot of floors or I had a slow elevator because I couldn’t keep it below 45 secs.

For the full spiel (imbedded in an anotated PowerPoint with Digity and Prezi links) email me at jameseri@interchange.ubc ca or jerichardson@telus.net . I can also copy you on my reflections if you so choose (true confessions?)


November 27, 2009   15 Comments