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Author Archives: Steph
Making Connections
A major theme of this term has been remediation. Gordana Jugo refers to Bolter’s concept of (2001) remediation as “a newer technology taking place of (an) older technology but keeping some characteristics of (the) older technology while reorganizing and improving other … Continue reading
Posted in Making Connections
Rip. Mix. Feed.
For this week’s post I uploaded a word document and a prezi describing common Web 2.0 tools I’ve used in the past year. I learned about most of these tools from MET courses and fellow METers. It took less time … Continue reading
The Rise of Cinema
Theatre had been popular for thousands of years before the advent of film. No doubt theatre had a profound influence on the film industry but photography had a major influence as well. The magic lantern from the sixteenth century was … Continue reading
The Shift from Scroll to Codex to Print
Shifts in communication mediums throughout history have affected how people interact with each other and text. This commentary will discuss how the transitions from scroll to codex to print affected reading, writing and communication. Communication remained largely oral in ancient … Continue reading
Commentary 1: Is Rote Learning Valuable Today?
Photo posted on Flickr by Terr-Bo The main purpose of rote learning is to memorize information such as basic math skills, dates, poetry, spelling words etc. As we become more dependent on mobile devices it seems like there is less … Continue reading
Reflection – module 2
How might an understanding of the possible differences in the thought processes exhibited in oral and literate cultures inform teaching practices at all levels (especially the practices used in teaching young children who are preliterate, as well as adults who … Continue reading
What is Technology?
By: Andrew Rollinger What is technology? I have grappled with this question before. The grade three B. C. Social Studies curriculum (2006) asks students to show how technology affects individuals and communities past and present. Initially, I thought the technology … Continue reading
Posted in Technology
1 Comment
The Power of the Written Word
When I think of text, I think of the power of the written word. For example, text has been used to bring about change with letter campaigns as well to spread knowledge and culture across time and space. To me, … Continue reading
Steph(anie) Tobin
By: Jrew Bickel Posted on Flickr by: William Couch Hello, My name is Steph Tobin. I teach grade 2/3 French Immersion in Kelowna, B.C. I chose this image because in my classroom, I sometimes ask my students to draw their … Continue reading
A Commentary on Bolter’s Chapter ” The Breakout of the Visual”
In the chapter called “The Breakout of the Visual”, Bolter (2001) continues to speak about the process of remediation, specifically about the current power struggle between visual media and text. Bolter describes a battle between word and image over which … Continue reading →