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Category Archives: Commentary 2
Dealing with (digital) reality: A pedagogy to meet the changing literacy needs of our students
Introduction & Background Rapidly advancing communications technologies including email, online discussion forums, instant messaging, and text messaging along with mixed-mode and graphically-based information presentation strategies call for a re-examination of the traditional concept of literacy and careful consideration of how … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary 2
Tagged digital literacy, Dobson, globalisation, Kress, media, multiliteracies, New London Group, print, Willinsky
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Commentary #2 –The Electronic Book: what is next?
The electronic book described by Jay Bolter (2001) in Chapter 5 of Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print is the latest form of technology on which we record our words in a line of technological devices that … Continue reading
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Dennis Pratt- Commentary #2
Gains and Losses: New Forms of Texts, Knowledge, and Learning by Gunther Kress Kress (2005) discusses the “gains and losses” of the communication movement from the traditional linear text to imagery, which he calls the contemporary canvas. As Kress explores … Continue reading
Commentary on Kress
I chose to do a commentary on Gunther Kress’ article entitled “Gains and Losses: New forms of texts, knowledge, and learning.” The author focuses on the losses that might occur as we move from representation through text to representation through … Continue reading
Multiliteracies in education: A social movement
Cazden, et al write about relationships of pedagogy (1996) where there is a much greater social emphasis on learning. While their emphasis on education as primarily a job preparation tool is debatable, the idea that “mentoring, training, and the learning … Continue reading
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Commentary #2 – Technology, human experience and memory
Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience, it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is, to commence as I said before with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason. Leonardo da … Continue reading
Is Homeostatis exclusive to Orality?
Introduction Ong posits that orality is homeostatic (Ong, 1982) and uses this characteristic to distinguish it from literacy. He defines homeostatis as the ability of orality to live in the present by “sloughing off memories which no longer have present … Continue reading
Comentary # 2: Hypertext as the Remediation of Print
In the Chapter “Writing as a Technology” Bolter argues that our technical relationship to the writing space takes place between readers and writers. Literacy is the realization that language can have both a visual and an aural dimension as the … Continue reading
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Commentary 2: Response to Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think”
Published in 1945, but originally written in 1939, Vannevar Bush’s article, “As We May Think”, is a fantastical description of an imaginary information machine called the “Memex” (Buckland, 1992) (Bush, 1945). Bush argued that existing methods of transmitting and reviewing … Continue reading
The Shift from Scroll to Codex to Print
Shifts in communication mediums throughout history have affected how people interact with each other and text. This commentary will discuss how the transitions from scroll to codex to print affected reading, writing and communication. Communication remained largely oral in ancient … Continue reading
Traumatic Remediations
“Digital technology is turning out to be one of the more traumatic remediations in the history of Western writing.” J. David Bolter, 2001, p.24 I was struck by J. David Bolter’s (2001) casual mention of digital writing technology as a … Continue reading →