This wasn’t always here, right?

With only 11 days to go, if my five-posts-in-three-days didn’t tip you off, I’m CRAZY EXCITED FOR SCHOOL!

I had my first Marbelous cookie of the year on Tuesday. Good start. (Side note: if you are new and don’t know what I’m talking about, go to the SUB. Go to Blue Chip Cookies. Buy one. You won’t be sorry, I promise. Well, maybe if you have allergies. But only maybe.)

My roommate Christie arrived today and currently her parents are putting together her loft bed as I type. She seems to have an overwhelming amount of possessions.. I mean, who needs that many shoes?? (Just kidding, Christie, love you :P)

However: yesterday as I was approaching the SUB, I noticed something very out of place. What?

This used to be on the other side of the SUB, right? Hidden behind tree branches by the entrance to the Aquatic Centre? Someone please comment and tell me I’m not crazy.

Oh, another side note: there’s tons of construction on the corner of University and East Mall, but you can still get into the Aquatic Centre through their main doors. Just go around the east side of the SUB or go through the eating area exit doors. (And if you didn’t know, entrance to the Aquatic Centre is free with your UBC student card!)

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Filed under Campus Life, Pictures of Campus, Suite Life

Cleaning Tricks

After spending three days cleaning my butt off (with a lot of help from my mom), I have definitely picked up a few tricks about cleaning. If you’ll be living on your own this year, in an apartment or suite-style residence, hopefully these will come in handy for you.

  • Clean as you go: if you wipe up that spill right after it happens, you aren’t going to have to deal with icky dried on stains later. Trust me, dried on stuff is waaaaay harder to clean off. Make a mess and clean it up right away and your cleaning life is going to be so much easier.
  • Tilex is surprisingly good at cutting through grease, such as you might find sticking to you cupboards and walls in the kitchen. It’s also perfect for anything you don’t want to get scratched.
  • Vim is very good at getting out stains, as well as in the bathtub and sink, but it can scratch more sensitive surfaces such as a glass shower door.
  • Pine-Sol is a good multi-purpose cleaner that is also safe for wood, painted surfaces, tile, and marble.
  • Wipe up water: after a shower, wipe down the walls with a sponge or squeegee and dry the area around a sink faucet after use to prevent mildew and soap scum buildup and water stains.
  • Water will often get the job done. So before you pile on the chemicals, try it with just water first.
  • After you wash, dry. Leaving your surfaces wet can damage them.
  • When washing windows or mirrors, wipe in circles. For whatever reason this won’t leave streaks.

More tips? Please share!


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Miriam’s Letter to First Years

With only 12 days to go until school starts, students entering their first year of university are probably (and understandably) feeling both crazy excited and more than a little bit apprehensive.

I remember reading alumni Blog Squadder Miriam’s post “Dear First Years (a letter you should read)” in the first couple of weeks of my first year, and holding on tightly to those words, “Ups and downs, remember—not just ups but not just downs either.”

Take a read and hopefully her wisdom can uplift you in a time of need.


Filed under Wellness

Memorial Road, Lookin’ Fine

Are you loving Memorial Road’s new facelift? Because I know I am! Check it out: all the way from East Mall to the Music building is going to have the same tasteful cobbles as Main Mall, plus they’re putting in shrubs and flowers in between the two pathways, as well as the same breath-taking cherry blossom trees you can find on Lower Mall by Place Vanier. Sweet!

Only half is done at the moment, but it’s looking good already.

But wait, there’s more! The section from Main Mall to the Music Building is already finished! Thank goodness – walking around the Fred Lasserre building every day was a major inconvenience, and now I don’t have to walk through a parking lot anymore!

Looking forward to spring when those cherry blossoms are in bloom!

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Filed under Campus Life, Pictures of Campus

Without Furniture

13 days to go!
Here’s that picture of me I promised:

In my PJs, squatting on the kitchen floor, drinking milk out of an empty ice tea bottle… This is the good life.

In related news, my mom and I are nearly done cleaning and my roommate gets here on Friday! Yay!


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Filed under Campus Life

Countdown: 14 days!

Holy banana butts you guys, school starts in exactly two weeks today! I don’t know if you guys are excited as I am, but ooooohhhhh man am I excited.

Yes, I teared up when I had to say goodbye to my boyfriend til Thanksgiving, but now that I’m back on campus I remember exactly how much I love this place.  I can’t believe how much construction there is (it seems like there’s more than last spring, if that’s even possible), but it looks like they left the knoll by the SUB and the beginnings of the New SUB! I’m so excited about that because it’s one of my favourite landmarks at UBC and I thought it would be flattened down by construction. It’s a little hairy cuz it hasn’t been mown in a while, but it’s still the same old knoll :)

I started moving into my new place yesterday, and has it ever been hectic. Cleaning, setting up internet, cleaning, getting things delievered, cleaning, talking to the caretaker, more cleaning. Did I mention cleaning? Also I won’t have any furniture until next Friday, so it’s been fun eating breakfast sitting on the floor against the wall in the kitchen. My mom took a picture, she thought it was so funny. Maybe I’ll upload it later.

I hope you all are as excited as I am! Now, more cleaning!

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Filed under Campus Life

Ice Cream Lock

One thing you may not know about living in residence is that the convenience stores in the commons blocks sell the. Most. Delicious. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream.  You go in there at the end of a long day, think to yourself, Awww yeah, time for some fantastic ice cream. You eat maybe a quarter of it, maybe half, and then you put the rest of it into your floor freezer.


But as you go to sleep that night, you are bothered by thoughts of paranoia: What if someone breaks into my scrumptious half-pint of Ben and Jerry’s while I’m sleeping? To suffer such a loss is a hardship, indeed.

Well, friends, if this is you, here’s something that may help you out: the Ben and Jerry’s Pint Lock.  Your nights of worry are over.


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Filed under Residence, Uncategorized

Second Home?

The time is drawing nearer for me to return to Vancouver, and as usual, the feeling is bittersweet. I am of course very excited for my second year at UBC and I know I’m going to have a fantastic time with my friends there, but I’m also going to really miss my friends in Winnipeg. And honestly, I feel like I didn’t get enough time with my friends here.

It kind of strikes me that this is pretty much the same feeling I had last April when I left campus. I was very sad to leave my friends in BC and I wanted more time for first-year-dorm adventures, although I was also looking forward to seeing my Winnipeg friends again.

I was talking on Skype to a few of my UBC friends tonight, and they all said they were excited to “go home.” And I thought, am I going home too? Or leaving home? Right now, I feel like I’m leaving home, but once I’ve been at UBC for a little while I’m sure I’ll feel at home there as well. I believe that what makes a place a home is the people there. I have fantastic friends in both places, so does that make each place a home? Maybe.

I know that Winnipeg will always be my “first home” for several reasons; my boyfriend is here, my family is here, I have many friends here, I’m familiar with this city, it’s where I grew up. But perhaps UBC has grown into my “second home,” despite how when Steven Toope (the president of UBC) suggested that would happen at the orientation last September I thought to myself: “That is never gonna happen!” (True story.)

Well, things change. I mean, as I just said, Winnipeg is my home. My first home. But I’ve found a home for myself in Vancouver too, and I know I’ll be crazy sad when my time there is done, since it seems unlikely I’ll be able to stay in touch very well with my friends from UBC once I graduate.  I know, I know, I’m getting ahead of myself again.  I guess that’s a bridge I’ll have to cross when I get there, but for now I’m just feeling the bittersweet.

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Filed under Campus Life

Audition Materials Are Out!

Audition material for this year’s UBC ensembles has finally been put up, and you can find it here.

For the harp audition I need to learn about 13 pages of music in less than a month… yay… Don’t get me wrong, I can do it, and I will, but it means I need to start practicing seriously again. That feeling of inadequacy is creeping up on me again, and you know what that means? It means I need to practice more. And now that my hands are actually getting better, I can actually do that! Yay!

Anyway, UBC ensembles are open to everyone through audition, including those who are not part of the school of music, so if you think you’d enjoy being part of a band or orchestra, come try out! Sign up sheets will be found outside the Music Office in the Music Building.


Filed under School of Music

Totem or Vanier?

As it seems to be a question on everyone’s minds, I’m going to do a post on Totem vs. Vanier.  First of all, I want to make it clear that I have  only lived in Totem Park, so my knowledge on Place Vanier is limited.

So the first thing people seem to ask is this: do I get to pick which one I live in? No! You don’t get to pick. As it stands, you say you’re in first year and they put you in whichever ones works out the best for their system, taking into account your roommate preferences, etc. to a certain extent. You get to live with whatever they decide. (That said, I think there have been a few cases of people moving during the year, but you’re gonna need a better reason than “that one’s cooler” or “I don’t wanna walk as far.”)

Next inevitable question: Pros and cons?  Again, let me reiterate: I have only lived in Totem. But here goes!

Pros of Totem Park:

  • It’s smaller, which can be nice because then you have more of a chance to get to know people more.
  • More of the buildings have elevators.
  • həm’ləsəm’ and q’ələχən houses – very new and pretty, and the rooms have the shared bathrooms.
  • Magda’s convenience store has a grill open past dining hall hours.
  • Dining hall food serving area is nicer (in my opinion).
  • Every floor has an RA, whereas many buildings in PV have one RA per two floors (Totem floors are a bit bigger).
  • Close to the Botanical Gardens.
  • Outdoor eating area.

Cons of Totem Park:

  • Pretty far from pretty much everything, unless you’re in engineering or forestry. Seriously though, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s maaaaybe a fifteen minute walk to the bus loop, which isn’t even that bad. No freshman fifteen for Totemites!
  • Dining area isn’t as pretty.
  • The cooking in some cases isn’t as good as Vanier – not that I ate at Vanier a whole lot, but apparently to Totem, a veggie quesadilla means a cheese and two and a half inch long strips of green and red peppers. Seriously? (Mostly the cooking is about the same for the two dorms, though.)
  • Commonsblock area isn’t as nice.

Pros of Place Vanier:

  • It’s bigger, so if you like a bigger community that’s good.
  • Pretty pretty dining area.
  • More food stations than Totem (in reality though, pretty much the same amount of different types of food gets served.)
  • Close to the Nitobe Memorial Garden, and pretty much the whole north campus, home to arts and science.
  • Nice looking commonsblock.
  • More study spaces, both for groups and for silent study.

Cons of Place Vanier:

  • More stairs, less elevators. Have fun on move-in day!
  • No hot food available after the dining hall closes.
  • In some houses, one RA per two floors.

It seems to me that the things on this list are fairly small things. The bottom line is, the two dorms are more or less the same.  Both have sports leagues (football and ultimate), both put on a musical, both have formal dinners, both have dances, both don’t allow parties (sorry), both have various committees such as global citizenship and environmental awareness, both have rec’n’rez events, both have awesome RA’s, both have much the same food, both have people to listen to you if you need it, both have a 24-hour front desk service, both have houses that will plan their own individual events, both have a big year-opener event (Colour Wars or Vanier Olympics), both have charity drives, both have nice grounds and bike locks, both are filled with people who will become your family for the year.

So if that massively run-on sentence didn’t sum it up for you: no, you can’t pick where you go, but you’re gonna have an awesome year regardless of where you end up!


Filed under Residence