Category Archives: FIrst Year

Ways to procrastinate: Do other homework!


I should be studying neurophysiology and muscle physiology right now… but nope! Instead, I’m taking the time to do my dance observations assignment.

Which is also due tomorrow.

No big deal.

And when I want to take a real break, I go onto Skype and talk to my best friend and then I start listening to this:

I will be okay.  I can do this!

Happy Halloween!

This year, I’ve got the wickedest set-up at my house.

Meet Red.  He’s going to be ‘opening’ the door and greeting all the kiddies tonight! Hopefully he doesn’t freak them out too much.

He came to me via my uncle, who’s colleague was a personal injuries lawyer.  Thus, he obtained the skeleton and passed it on to lucky ol’ me!

Red is also going to be my study buddy for anatomy class (KIN 190).  Thank goodness, because then I won’t have to trek all the way to Osbourne to study bones!  Not to mention that all the skeletons in my anatomy lab seem to have back problems.

So yes, we’re going to be good friends.

But it doesn’t mean I’m not freaked out every time I glance at him. *shudder*

Everytime I get off the bus in the rain

And I always seem to step in a puddle as soon as I get out, too.


I read An Account of Sexual Assault at Amherst College, and then I read Amherst Sweeps Sexual Assault Allegations Under the Rug.

And then I read the comments on the latter article.  Notably, the ones by “Greenbrier”, “ACstudent” and “AxC4”.

I have never been more thoroughly disgusted.

Just, ugh.

Rape culture.  Go look it up, define it, vow to abolish it.

Height disparities are awkward

So as you might already know, I’ve ended the gymnastics section of my KIN 115B course and started the dance section!  There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of technique involved.  It’s more like free movement and feelings and stuff. Grrrr, I don’t know if I like it or not.

Anyways, we started partner dancing yesterday! We switched around partners a couple of times, and I ended up with this really, really tall guy.  For every step he took, I had to make a giant leap.  Awkward was an understatement.

Is this rude?

Next week: Swing dance!