Tag Archives: UBC

Visiting the ESPs at UBC

Bahaha the title of this blog post rhymed.

One of the Google inquiries that people use to find this blog is “how good are counselling services in brock hall”. I didn’t have an answer to this before, but now I do!

Today, my friend Michelle and I finally went to Brock Hall get our scholarship stuff sorted out. Just a heads up, you go to the Information Centre for that stuff. We figured that out after a lot of wandering around the building for a while.

While we were there, the lady helping Michelle asked if she had time to meet her Enrolment Services Professional, otherwise known as her ESP. Michelle said yes, and then we waited around for a couple of minutes until her ESP, Catherine showed up (I’m pretty sure that’s what her name was, and I’m just going to use the traditional spelling).

She talked to us about what her job was as an ESP, and how she (as an ESP) could provide information and help with non-academic issues. She also talked about getting involved and reaching out to our professors and our student development officer Robyn Leuty for opportunities.

Although Catherine’s not my ESP, I think I benefited from meeting her. She reminded me that there are lots of resources at UBC that you can tap into, and there are lots of people who are willing (and often wanting) to show you the way to do so.

So it’s true—the counselors, if you’d like to call them that, seem to be pretty darn helpful in Brock Hall.  🙂

For more information on Enrolment Services Professionals, look here.

Ways to Procrastinate: UBC Compliments!

Happy Friday! I guess we’re all gearing up for finals, but NEVER FEAR BECAUSE COURTNEY IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY with her procrastination tips.

There’s this neat little page on Facebook called UBC Compliments  that I just discovered.  The description is as follows:

This is a social experiment that started at Queen’s University in Canada. Brown, Washington University in St. Louis, and Yale have all done similar [projects]. This page is a place for you to do something nice for your friends or peers anonymously in a way that you cannot do in person. Inbox us and we’ll post your compliments right away!

It’s a really cute concept, and it’s already taken off quite nicely, with 448 likes at the time this post was written (yup, I queue my posts). I’ve already flipped through all the compliments and recognized one student and one professor (the much-talked-about Professor Gateman, of course!). In case you were wondering, I have yet to submit a compliment.

Another site that could go viral is 48,000 Secrets, which is run by a group of UBC students. The concept is a bit like PostSecret, but without the pictures and the fanbase (yet). I’ll have to check back in a month to see how it’s going!

Both projects are definitely ways to blow off steam for finals season! So go out there and show some love 🙂

The Freshman 15 has been revamped

We will call it the Cookie 15. Huffah!

PS. It is not advisable to eat your feelings like such.

Taking steps to getting involved

Congratulations! We would like to offer you the opportunity to be a part of KIN Week.

Yay! Upon the sight of this, I did a happy jig. Well of course not on the outside. I limited myself to loud squealing and gushing only.  I applied to be one of the coordinators for UBC’s first ever KIN Week, and as you can see, I got the position!  I’m actually a little proud of myself.

It’s surprisingly easy to get involved. You don’t have to do much—just find something that interests you!  Maybe that means sports, or politics, or volunteering, or even clubbing 😉 It’s up to you! If you’re anything like me and you find talking to authorities figures terrifying a little intimidating, then simply do your research online.  There are tons of online resources out there for you to discover—here are some places you can find some neat volunteering and job oppurtunities!

  1. UBC FYI is a great place to start! Not only do they post about the cool going-ons around campus, but on the side there are links to excellent (UBC-owned) sites that can help you find your niche! I found out about Blog Squad through here. 🙂
  2. Your undergraduate faculty site! For me, it’s the KUS, but everyone has a different one!
  3. Facebook. No, no, I don’t mean stalking people! I’m talking about following pages of clubs and societies that you’re interested in—that way, you won’t miss opportunities as they arise.
  4. Need a job? Find one here.
  5. If you’re interested in the volunteering and leadership side of things, browse around the Centre for Student Involvement.  There’s tons of information there.  A mind-numbing amount, actually, so you might be better off just walking into the centre in-person.

Alright, I realize that most of these sites are UBC-owned.  But this is what I’m thinking: I chose to go to UBC, so I’m going to be a part of UBC.  Not just a random student fumbling through school, but a real, valuable member of the community! So using the resources available through the school to me—and you—isn’t a problem at all 🙂