Tag Archives: CSI


I have now officially written most of my midterms. Not all, but most. I still have two more coming up next month!

For some reason, this term feels a lot harder than last term. It doesn’t really make sense to me because I’m taking 4 courses instead of 5 courses. Beh.

I’m sitting in the CSI&C right now, and I’m feeling super sleepy and sluggish. I feel like mush.  I wonder if it’s acceptable to take a nap here. The couches are so soft…


I just want summer to come and help me shake off this lethargy.

PS. I got an email

Here’s something I forgot to mention in recent posts but am still really excited about: I got granted an interview for the position of a coordinator on the 2014 SLC Planning Committee (oh boy, that’s a mouthful)! Yay!

It’s only the second step in the application process, but I’m surprised that I got past the first step.  I’m not entirely happy with the format/quality of my resume, and I definitely need to work on it before going summer-job hunting. For anyone in the same pickle (baha, pickle), the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers offers lots of resources for all sorts of job-related things, including resume advising. Even if you don’t go into the actual office at Brock Hall, the online stuff is super helpful! But seriously, resume-advising is a good idea.

In any case, I’m actually looking forward to attending that interview! It’s a group one, which sounds a little less intimidating but I’ll probably be a fun-sized bundle of nerves anyways because what if they don’t like me oh god. Welp.

Taking steps to getting involved

Congratulations! We would like to offer you the opportunity to be a part of KIN Week.

Yay! Upon the sight of this, I did a happy jig. Well of course not on the outside. I limited myself to loud squealing and gushing only.  I applied to be one of the coordinators for UBC’s first ever KIN Week, and as you can see, I got the position!  I’m actually a little proud of myself.

It’s surprisingly easy to get involved. You don’t have to do much—just find something that interests you!  Maybe that means sports, or politics, or volunteering, or even clubbing 😉 It’s up to you! If you’re anything like me and you find talking to authorities figures terrifying a little intimidating, then simply do your research online.  There are tons of online resources out there for you to discover—here are some places you can find some neat volunteering and job oppurtunities!

  1. UBC FYI is a great place to start! Not only do they post about the cool going-ons around campus, but on the side there are links to excellent (UBC-owned) sites that can help you find your niche! I found out about Blog Squad through here. 🙂
  2. Your undergraduate faculty site! For me, it’s the KUS, but everyone has a different one!
  3. Facebook. No, no, I don’t mean stalking people! I’m talking about following pages of clubs and societies that you’re interested in—that way, you won’t miss opportunities as they arise.
  4. Need a job? Find one here.
  5. If you’re interested in the volunteering and leadership side of things, browse around the Centre for Student Involvement.  There’s tons of information there.  A mind-numbing amount, actually, so you might be better off just walking into the centre in-person.

Alright, I realize that most of these sites are UBC-owned.  But this is what I’m thinking: I chose to go to UBC, so I’m going to be a part of UBC.  Not just a random student fumbling through school, but a real, valuable member of the community! So using the resources available through the school to me—and you—isn’t a problem at all 🙂