If you log onto the Student Service Centre online (ssc.adm.ubc.ca), you will be able to find the exact times of the final exams for this term’s classes. Final exam season starts on December 5th, I believe, and goes ’til December 19th. Guess when my last exam is?
My exam schedule… It kinda really sucks. Within 7 days, I have 5 midterms. And one of them is on a Saturday. 🙁
I’m going to have to plan my studying very, very carefully, so that I don’t end up cramming frantically the night before each exam. But if I do, I’ll blog about it so you guys can bask in my misery. I’ll probably have a bad time, but at least I’ll have the holidays to look forward to!
Thank goodness it’s the weekend now. I could definitely use the break, especially with my chemistry lab fiasco. Have a good one, everybody!
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