Trying to save seats in crowded lecture halls

My opinion on saving seats in lectures is that it’s perfectly fine, as long as you’re only saving 1-2 seats. Any more is just an arse move, isn’t it?

Not to mention, defending just one unoccupied seat is hard enough.

Step 1: find a seat

Step 2: Give the seat away

Step 3: Notify friend that they have been evicted

Step 4: Be berated and wallow in guilt

Oh, that dratted wishy-washy Canadian politeness.

More Harry Potter magic at UBC?

Normally, I turn to Tumblr rather than Facebook to find cool things on the internet. Tonight, though, Facebook has taken the cake.

Half a dozen of Facebook friends have shared an article written by the Syrup Trap (which is published at UBC) about J.K. Rowling’s acquisition of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. All because of the library’s Harry Potter room, apparently!

If it’s true, it should leave no doubt that UBC is the coolest school in Canada. If it ‘s not, it’s still a great read!

The fact that Sauder is supposedly Slytherin cracks me up.

Song of the Summer

Alright, maybe not the song of the summer. But it’s certainly my favourite song at the moment.

Also, I’m not dead. I’m just really busy with being a responsible adult figure  work and getting ready for school and stuff. 


22 days ’til school

and my feelings about it in a nutshell:

KIN FROSH Registration is Open!

Kin Frosh is the best! all you other faculties don’t compare. It was an experience I definitely don’t regret. 😀

There’s space for about a third of the incoming class, so hurry and register! Read more at