Tag Archives: Blog Squad

Back on track.


I am in a good mood because I had another BlogSquad bloggers’ meeting this evening.  They’re a real awesome bunch, y’know? We all reintroduced ourselves and rehashed on what it means to be a UBC blogger.

For some odd reason, my name didn’t fit on my name tag. :(

Before that, though, I had a bit of a terrible time.  I had to rush from Osbourne Centre to the CSI&C* at Brock Hall in 10 minutes, because I had gymnastics right before our meeting (yes, UBC offers a gymnastics class! But more on that later).  If you didn’t know, the Osbourne Centre is right by the Thunderbird arena, which is pretty darn far. 

Actually, I’m pretty sure that a lot of students don’t ever wander farther south on campus than that.  That’s how far Osbourne is.

So that’s one of my complaints about being a kinesiology student: Our classes are all over the map.  So a lot of us end up rushing between classes and being late to practically everything.  At least it keeps us in shape.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I’m back to blogging about UBC things (for a little while, anyways). And I’ve got some ideas for new drawings! Yay! Also, I’m going to get back on track with homework. So here we go.


*Centre for Student Involvement and Careers.  You should check it out, because I heard there are some cool people there.

Driving to UBC

Today was a special day for three reasons.

  • I had my first ever 3-hour-long chemistry lab.  It was incredibly confusing, and I made a whole bunch of silly mistakes.
  • I finally met my fellow Blog Squad bloggers.  They are a cool bunch 🙂  We had breakfast together and it was lovely.

Yes, it was exciting.  For the past two weeks, I’ve been taking public transit to and from school.  There’s a reason for that! And it’s not because I’m scared of driving.  Although I do get a a little nervous on the big streets…

A pretty-close-to-accurate depiction of myself. In a car. Behind the front wheel.

No, the reason why I don’t drive to school usually is because there is no cheap parking left after 8:30am. I kid you not.  The $6 flat-rate parking lots were 2/3 filled up by 7:45am this morning.  I think it’s kind of insane.

So if you have classes after 9am (like me) you really have no chance of getting those coveted parking spots. But there’s a bonus for you 8am class-takers!

Anyways, even though parking’s expensive, I like driving to UBC.  It definitely takes less time than taking transit, even if you consider all the traffic lights you skip when you’re on the skytrain.  You can blast music and not bother other people.  You can bring as much stuff to school as you like.  And there’s something nice about taking in the city view(sort of.  Some parts are nice, some parts are meh), as opposed to staring at the broken zipper of someone else’s backpack whilst desperately clinging on to the bus rails.

Example: did anyone else taking the 99 bus notice the CVC (Chinese Varsity Club) picket signs along University Boulevard?  The bright yellow paint, the dancing bananas, the boards that said “OPPA GANGNAM STYLE”?  Yeah, me neither.

But would I recommend driving to all commuters? No.  It really is too expensive to do all the time, especially since you’re already paying for the U-Pass.  And if you don’t have an 8am class, it’s close to impossible to get (relatively) cheap parking.  So I’m just going to keep taking the bus to school and getting excited every time I have to go to school early. 😀