Tag Archives: to cram or not to cram that is the question

Halfway there

For spring break in the seventh grade, I went on a ski trip to Kicking Horse with my family. This meant six Chans, crammed into a Toyota minivan for over eight hours. It took less than two hours for queries of “are we there yet?” to begin. And each time, my dad would quip “we’re halfway there!”.

You can see  how that might drive my twelve-year-old self up the wall. “but you said that half an hour ago”

Anecdotes aside, this post was meant to be a friendly reminder that we’re nearly halfway through exam season. If you’re lucky, you’re less than a week away from finishing! Yay!

If not:

This makes me feel better already

For that durn Chemistry exam

Hello, world!

I haven’t been posting as often as I had before because of the huge piles of work.  Humongous piles.  I’m drowning, guys. I’ve been studying for the upcoming Chem 121 midterm.  I’m finding the material pretty tough, but I’m determined to pass this exam with an acceptable grade.

Anyways, I’ve been taking lots of breaks (probably more breaks than necessary). Now my procrastinating has become more productive, and even chemistry related! Here are two chemistry videos I’d like to share with you (oi, don’t give me that look). You know you like it!

My chemistry prof’s favourite:

My personal favourite:

First midterm tomorrow!

I’m scared. So, so scared.  Help meeeeee.

Panicky Courtney is panicky.

There’s so much stuff that has to be memorized for physiology! Yeah, KIN 190 actually one of those classes where you do some crazy massive memorizing.  A pack of flashcards are your best friend in this case.

Also, I find that drawing things out (hello, muscle contraction) on a giant whiteboard is really helpful, as is studying in groups.  Also, talking through ideas seems to work well.  But don’t whisper to yourself on the bus, as it causes people to give you funny looks (although if you like that sort of thing, I suggest rocking back and forth as well).

Anyways.  Back to cramming studying now!
