Ernie’s Royal Roads University Pitch Analysis

Ok, here’s my first pitch analysis.  Next one to come later.

Royal Roads University Pitch

  • CEO Credibility – Does this person exude capability and convey confidence that they will achieve success against all obstacles?
    • Based on the pitch presentation, Burgess does seem to have done her research and has a good working knowledge of the university.  She provides a confident, enthusiastic pitch, but to me, this appears to be due to her charisma rather than track record.  She does not present anything at all about her credentials or personal background that would help further sell her pitch.
  • Management Team – Have they assembled a stellar team along with the other human and material resources required for success
    • There is no mention of a management team or who may be involved in instituting such a program.  I’m assuming there would be some faculty members or key people at RRU on board already.  This can’t be a solo effort, can it???  If so, forget it!  Establishing the management team clearly is needed in this pitch.
  • Business Model – Is this feasible? – have they done their homework? – are their arguments and information accurate and compelling?
    • Burgess seems to provide good information on opencourseware, including some history, current opencourseware consortium, and how RRU fits in the market (benefiting and altruistic relations).  She has done her research based on a model of opencourseware from MIT, a much larger school.
    • Importantly, Burgess seems to suggest having opencourseware available to prospective students would help attract more tuition paying students to the school.  However, is there a guarantee that this would happen?  What is the cost of marketing this free, opencourseware?  Is there a guarantee that the university will be able to recover its marketing costs over time?
  • Competitive Products – What is a realistic market size, market share and selling price that these products or services can capture in a very competitive world?
    • In following the footsteps of the much larger school, MIT, RRU would be in competition with MIT’s reputation, established program, and larger financial budget.  Burgess mentioned that there were over 200+ institutions involved in an opencourseware consortium so there must be many other universities that would be in competition with RRU.
  • Market Readiness – How long and difficult is their critical path to success?
    • There does not appear to be any timeline provided for this venture.  How long will it take before the university sees a profit from attracting paying students to RRU by marketing their opencourseware?
    • There does not appear to be a market analysis performed to show the demand for opencourseware among prospective students.
  • Technical Innovation – Do they have an edge, and can they keep it?
    • To me, what Burgess is pitching appears to be something that other universities are already doing.  There isn’t anything that sticks out that is different than what is already being done by RRU’s potential competitors.  This plan is obviously taking after MIT’s model.
  • Exit Strategy – Do they really know what success looks like – is their destination clear
    • It appears that success would be measured based on attracting paying students to RRU as well as more experienced faculty.
  • Overall Investment Status – Am I going to risk my investment capital on this proposition?
    • Though the presentation was well-prepared, it seemed somewhat ‘amateurish’ to me.  The video was filled cheesy text messages inserted on top of still-framed pictures of the university.  Between still-frames was low-quality, handy-cam video clips of Burgess providing some commentary.  Though the information presented was fairly good, I thought the low-quality, amateur-style video detracted from a ‘professional’ pitch.  As an EVA, I’m not sure I would entrust my money into what may seem like an amateur venturist.
    • Furthermore, I think more market analysis needs to be done and presented to demonstrate that there is demand for opencourseware.  Burgess needs to provide more persuasive evidence showing how the university stands to gain financially, not just in reputation, and how long it will take to recoup marketing costs.  After all, if this venture is a money losing one, then there is no way the university should go for it.

Ernie’s Royal Roads University Pitch Analysis

  • CEO Credibility – Does this person exude capability and convey confidence that they will achieve success against all obstacles?
    • Based on the pitch presentation, Burgess does seem to have done her research and has a good working knowledge of the university. She provides a confident, enthusiastic pitch, but to me, this appears to be due to her charisma rather than track record. She does not present anything at all about her credentials or personal background that would help further sell her pitch.
  • Management Team – Have they assembled a stellar team along with the other human and material resources required for success
    • There is no mention of a management team or who may be involved in instituting such a program. I’m assuming there would be some faculty members or key people at RRU on board already. This can’t be a solo effort, can it??? If so, forget it! Establishing the management team clearly is needed in this pitch.
  • Business Model – Is this feasible? – have they done their homework? – are their arguments and information accurate and compelling?
    • Burgess seems to provide good information on opencourseware, including some history, current opencourseware consortium, and how RRU fits in the market (benefiting and altruistic relations). She has done her research based on a model of opencourseware from MIT, a much larger school.
    • Importantly, Burgess seems to suggest having opencourseware available to prospective students would help attract more tuition paying students to the school. However, is there a guarantee that this would happen? What is the cost of marketing this free, opencourseware? Is there a guarantee that the university will be able to recover its marketing costs over time?
  • Competitive Products – What is a realistic market size, market share and selling price that these products or services can capture in a very competitive world?
    • In following the footsteps of the much larger school, MIT, RRU would be in competition with MIT’s reputation, established program, and larger financial budget. Burgess mentioned that there were over 200+ institutions involved in an opencourseware consortium so there must be many other universities that would be in competition with RRU.
  • Market Readiness – How long and difficult is their critical path to success?
    • There does not appear to be any timeline provided for this venture. How long will it take before the university sees a profit from attracting paying students to RRU by marketing their opencourseware?
    • There does not appear to be a market analysis performed to show the demand for opencourseware among prospective students.
  • Technical Innovation – Do they have an edge, and can they keep it?
    • To me, what Burgess is pitching appears to be something that other universities are already doing. There isn’t anything that sticks out that is different than what is already being done by RRU’s potential competitors. This plan is obviously taking after MIT’s model.
  • Exit Strategy – Do they really know what success looks like – is their destination clear
    • It appears that success would be measured based on attracting paying students to RRU as well as more experienced faculty.
  • Overall Investment Status – Am I going to risk my investment capital on this proposition?
    • Though the presentation was well-prepared, it seemed somewhat ‘amateurish’ to me. The video was filled cheesy text messages inserted on top of still-framed pictures of the university. Between still-frames was low-quality, handy-cam video clips of Burgess providing some commentary. Though the information presented was fairly good, I thought the low-quality, amateur-style video detracted from a ‘professional’ pitch. As an EVA, I’m not sure I would entrust my money into what may seem like an amateur venturist.
    • Furthermore, I think more market analysis needs to be done and presented to demonstrate that there is demand for opencourseware. Burgess needs to provide more persuasive evidence showing how the university stands to gain financially, not just in reputation, and how long it will take to recoup marketing costs. After all, if this venture is a money losing one, then there is no way the university should go for it.

September 18, 2009   No Comments

Fusion Forum in Vancouver – November 2009

I found a great, very timely article on this website:

Here are some excerpts that summarize this event:

Google Ventures  is seeking to identify the next generation of founders and innovators from British Columbia.

20 digital media companies will be pitching their concepts to venture capitalists and angel investors in Vancouver on November 12.

See the website link below for specific information on the Fusion Forum:

Fusion ‘09 Entrepreneur Boot Camp
November 5 and 10, 2009

The Fusion 2009 Entreprenuer Boot Camp is being Held November 5th at the 2010 Commerce Centre / BC Showcase Media Centre in Robson Square.  The speakers will help you lay a strong foundation for growth and help you to attract potential investors.

see also:   New Media BC

“New Media BC is a federally incorporated not-for-profit full service association. New Media BC’s membership is comprised of businesses, educational organizations, government agencies, and individuals whose core products and services include interactive design and marketing, digital entertainment, animation, visual effects, digital learning initiatives and social media applications.”

September 18, 2009   3 Comments

EVA of Ingenia and Recombo by Barbara Mair

A lot has been said in the blog about these two companies.

I would add that the CEO of Ingenia comes across as a very credible person in the education field although since the venture is taking place in Vietnam she is not focusing enough on her credibility in this market. In the case of Recombo, the CEO is highly knowledgeable about his product that has now become a service and i believe he would profit from being a little less technical in his pitch and a little more market driven.

As several of you have expressed neither one of the CEOs goes into the management team enough to judge if they are the right team for what they are trying to do, again Ingenia would benefit by explaining the partnership with the company who knows Vietnam well and telling us if anyone on her team has in depth knowledge about doing business in Vietnam. In the case of Recombo going from 12 to 24 people in a short time without outlining what these bring to the table could be dangerous and a source of cash burning.

Both business models could be successful given the right conditions, although i am not convinced by either of them as they stand in these pitches, they both will evolve although Recombo could be close if this lighthouse customer is as successful as they anticipate.

In the case of Recombo they have evolved from being a product driven company to a service company recognizing the pain and solving a business need for their partner. They are staying focused on developping this “distribution channel” for their products and services and i believe this will help them evolve further in understanding the end customer’s needs and adapting to them, they do sell the uniqueness of their products for the market they are addressing. Ingenia on the other hand has not found the uniqueness of their products, we do not know what the competition looks like in the market they are going after, Vietmam and they have had no success in their own local market. So it is to be seen whether they do have the right products.

I believe that Ingenia could be successful but i would not invest in it until i saw more proof of their ability to do business oversees in Asia.  Recombo i believe has got the product/service right although they are not clear on the exit strategy whether they are building up a company to sell or to expand to other customers or partners…. Looking at these as an EVA, of the two companies ithink Recombo is a surer bet.

September 18, 2009   1 Comment

Introducing Bev

Ray and Bev and Macchu Pichu

Ray and Bev and Machu Picchu

HI:  Please forgive my lateness.  I have just returned from Peru where I was hoping to be able to get more work done.  Unfortunately I had many technical difficulties- but now I am home and can dig in. I am currently on leave from my job as a junior/senior high math teach in a small rural school in Southern Alberta in order to  take my 5th, 6th and 7th MET courses this term.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey thus far, and expect it to continue to be an amazing year.

Since graduating from UBC with a B.Ed I have taught English and Science in Nigeria, ESL at Okanagan College, Adult Upgrading at Lethbridge College, established both and adult literacy program and family literacy program in my community, and now have been teaching Math and Language Arts in the public system for 11 years.

I have been married to the same wonderful guy for 31 years ( I was just a baby when I married!)  We have three great kids.  Our last child has just graduated from high school so now we are officially empty nesters, which is bitter sweet.  We love to travel, hike, ski, kayak and camp.

Now that our children are finished school we would like to work overseas.  I am hoping that having my MET will give options.  I am excited about this course and look forward to what ever comes my way!

September 18, 2009   No Comments

Ingenia Pitch

As an EVA I was impressed by the qualifications of the core team. The venture also had a clear focus. I was concerned that Ingenia’s experience in the past has mainly been with governments and that their proposed projects will be mainly with multinationals. I would want to find out more about how significant this switch would be. Ramona is aware of, and honest about, the stiff competition Ingenia faces in the North American market and proposes an overseas venture partly to avoid this competition.

As I watched the pitch I was reminded of a recent report by the Educational Policy Institute on the effects of the recession on post-secondary education. At the end of this report (pages 28-29) the authors claimed that in Asia and Africa there is a high demand for education branded by large Western universities, and that Canada has been slow to respond to this demand. I noted that Ramona mentioned the success of an Australian university in Vietnam. Of course, Ingenia is not a large Western university and it is not offering post-secondary education. However, Ramona mentions that there is a strong presence of multinational companies in Vietnam, which is Ingenia’s focus, and this would suggest that there is a demand for the kinds of services Ingenia provides.

I would like to know more about Ingenia’s partner team and their experience. I could see this partnership as helping to overcome some of the problems that might exist with the venture. There is a question about what products they plan to use, as I assume that they will have to support Vietnamese. I understand that most of the connections in Vietnam are dial-up and that this is why Ingenia is proposing to buy a low-bandwidth portal in BC, but the slow connections may have ramifications for how attractive elearning will be and again what products should be used. I would like to know more about what solutions they implemented in their previous experience in Vietnam. When she discusses the need for insurance, Ramona admits that it is a difficult market and I would want to know more about potential risks.

I noticed that the Canadian government offers some resources for Canadians considering doing business in Vietnam.

September 18, 2009   2 Comments

Article on Personal Ventures

This article has some practical views on starting a venture.  It’s focus is more on personal entrepreneurship.


September 18, 2009   1 Comment

Participation expectations

By now, everyone has had a chance to introduce her/himself to the ETEC 522 class. You may also have made a few posts or comments based upon the module materials for week 2.

So, we thought this would be a good time to insert a reminder about our expectations for overall participation in the course through your thoughtful posts and constructive commentary.

The rubric for course participation outlines the criteria we use for evaluating online participation.

Our expectation is that you will post at least once per week as well as offer comments on posts made by other students or the course instructors.

We believe the evaluation rubric for participation is clear. Please let us know if it needs further clarification or refinement.


September 18, 2009   No Comments