Category — General Discussions

OpenOffice Update

Following up on the OSS Module activity by Group 6, I wanted to note that OpenOffice has posted its version 3.2beta today.

Apparently this version corrects many of the formatting issues with document interoperability that have been the barrier to entry for many, including me.

The blog post about the OO 3.2beta is here:

OpenOffice 3.2beta

I’m currently downloading this version to see whether it addresses my issues.  I would love to walk the “open” talk completely, but document formatting is an issue.  Let’s hope it’s good news.

October 29, 2009   8 Comments

A3 – Optional/Alternate Assignment Path

For those of you with your sleeves rolled up in the K-12 sector, I’m pleased to announce a prospective alternate path for your A3 assignment that is entirely optional.  It’s absolutely a one-time only, very special opportunity for those of you who are applying learning technologies in special ways in K-12 classrooms.

Tomorrow morning UBC will issue a press release regarding the UBC Global Minds Challenge.  UBC will award up to five (5) prizes of $2010 each to international K-12 projects that demonstrate innovative uses of learning technologies with respect to themes resonating with the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.  All projects are posted on the 2010 Winter Games website in the Education Project Showcase area.  The deadline for submission of projects is December 19, 2009.

The UBC Faculty of Education has been collaborating for six years with the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) to conceive and now realize the learning potentials of the upcoming 2010 Winter Games.  The UBC Global Minds Challenge is one dimension of this collaboration which we aim to establish as an enduring legacy of the 2010 Games.

For those of you wishing to take this on for A3, the basic idea is that your A3 can be an appropriate project that you’ve completed with your classroom already, or that you are able to complete and submit before November 29th (yes, we’ll keep the ETEC522 schedule, thank you!).    We will keep the rubric for A3 as assigned, only that the Pitch and and Executive summary would be your submission to the Challenge, and you’ll email a separate Critical EVA and Self-Evaluation to me.

Have a look (please ignore the guy in the video at the UBC site!) and email me if you have any questions.



October 25, 2009   No Comments

A1 Conclusion

Hi folks –

Just a note that you all should have your A1 grades back to you by email by now.  Please email me directly if you have not received your grade yet, or if you have any questions.

I’d like to say I was very impressed with energy and creativity shown by all of you in addressing this assignment.   I’ve never experienced a higher calibre set of responses to an analysis of this kind from a group of apprentice EVAs.  Well done!


October 25, 2009   No Comments

NING help with RSS feeds

Hello Module 4 and Module 5 presenters.  If one of you read this in the immediate future, can you please give me instructions on how to provide the RSS feed from our NING site to this blog page?

Thanks in advance.

Erica Toombs

October 25, 2009   1 Comment

I need some help with Ning

Hi: I am working on a project for another course and am trying to embed some Youtube videos into my page. It seems to only want to go to page especially for videos- can anyone tell me how I get it to go to the page I want it on? Thanks

October 20, 2009   6 Comments

Assignment #1

Pardon me if this is posted somewhere- but where do we submit Assignment #1, and does the 2500 words include the resources?

October 15, 2009   3 Comments

A1 Reminder

Hi everyone –

Just a reminder that the deadline for A1 is end of day (Pacific Time) October 18th.   Please email me if you have any questions regarding your approach or progress in A1.   And when it is done, please email it to me – I’ll respond to confirm that I’ve got it.  That’s:  david dot vogt at ubc dot ca.

And if anyone is still looking for an A1 topic, here’s a news release that appeared in my inbox today about Odijoo.   It’s been around for awhile, but they’re apparently looking at a new business model.

Good luck!



Free eLearning platform ‘Odijoo’ released to market


Oct 13, 2009 – Odijoo, the first ever online learning platform to give trainers their own secure space from which to create, deliver and monetize online courses, was released last week. Odijoo, which means “teacher” in Swahili, is a free to use web-based application that combines course creation, learning management, hosting, e-commerce and social networking tools.

Unlike other online learning solutions, Odijoo allows small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) to have their own private, personalized and secure “Odijoo campus”. A campus is an online storefront, where users can store, administer and promote their Odijoo courses. Campuses are designed for smaller businesses and organizations, that need to train their employees under a tight budget.

“Odijoo is designed to help companies get their training online in a matter of days without third party consultants,” says Shevy Levy, the visionary behind Odijoo. “SMBs can finally afford to reach their learners and with the campus feature, can do so from a single secure online place.”

After over a year of development, Odijoo was released in early October of 2009. The application is free to use and can be accessed at

About Odijoo
Odijoo is a free web-based eLearning platform that allows users to have their own personalized online space from which to create, publish, share and monetize online courses. It is a SaaS-based (Software as a Service), end-to-end software, providing on-demand access to course creation, learning management, hosting and social networking services, all from one place. For more information, visit


Alon Margovskiy

Marketing Department

October 14, 2009   No Comments

Instructor’s Emails?

Can someone please point me in the right direction?  I can’t seem to find the David V’s email on here, only David P’s.



October 3, 2009   4 Comments

The Hottest Ed Tech Company?

That’s not my title, but someone else has posted something about the company Techsmith, which I do like and use. How they evaluate the conpany may interest everyone … although, cubing it may be better.

I have been thinking of ways to use Jing for creating machinima — a creatve way to have students practise their language skills through storytelling. If you want to watch some good examples of machinima, go here.


October 1, 2009   4 Comments

Broken Link-Web 0.0

The Mod 4 article discussing the business model for Web 2.0 is not available from the link.


September 30, 2009   3 Comments