Author Archives: Courtney

First term transitions

September: I’m going to put on makeup and do different hairstyles everyday! I’m going to wear all my prettiest clothes and swear off the hoodies! I am going to be beautiful this year, gosh darn it!

October: Meh. Eh. Midterms are making life hard for me, but that won’t stop me from looking nice! Makeup is reserved for special occasions only. I haven’t gone shopping in a long time. I need rain boots.

November: My morning routine consists of brushing my teeth and nothing else.  I’ve forgotten what a comb looks like, and my hair is too long, because I have put off a haircut, and it gets in the way of everything. The toque and rain boots have become my school uniform, and I really hope no one notices that I’ve worn these jeans every day for the past week.

December: I know nothing but pajamas and sweat pants.  I have not seen direct sunlight for 36 hours, although I’ve heard stories about it from the people I’m living with. Please, let this term end quickly and painlessly.

For anyone doing neurophysiology…

Parts of the Brain, by Pinky and the Brain! I remember my psychology AP teacher showing this video to our class. The whole week after, all I could hear was “brainstem, brainstem!

I’m here for you, don’t rush.

I have a few couple of things to get off my chest.

First, thank you for all the support for my post about a sexist joke. I’m quite amazed at all the attention it got—the fact that people took the time to read it and understand it was awesome! I hope my message got across clearly, and that more people will be sharing the same sentiment that I felt. 🙂

Secondly, I’d like you all to know that my exams are less than a week away from now, and so I won’t be blogging very often (read: not at all) for the next week. However, I have course reviews that have to be written, and I’m planning on making a comic-post directed at prospective university students, so don’t go away entirely!

Thirdly—actually, that’s all. Here, listen to this song instead. I just can’t get it out of my head!

For people already partway through: Keep going! You can do it!

When I’m wearing rainboots…


Navigating lakes and puddles

It is worth noting that after maybe 10 uses of my brand-new rain boots, I have discovered that they now take on water. I am an unlucky duck.

The 4 Steps of Successful Studying

I’m a little late to the advice-giving bandwagon, but here… you… go!

Prioritize: What’s your most important class? Which exam comes first? What are you best at, and what are you worst at? What exam can you cram for? Unfortunately, the answer to the last question is almost always a resounding NONE.

Make a plan: What do you need to do to study for your exams? Do you need to make cue cards, go over lecture notes, or do textbook problems? How much of your precious studying time will each method take? Each exam has a different format, so tailor your studying to match it!

The Study Plan of a Kinesiology Student

As you can see, I have made a comprehensive list of what I have to study for and how I’m going to do it. You can also see that I have not cleaned my desk. Bad Courtney.

Prepare: Find and use all the resources you can! Go to Vista or Connect and look for practice questions, or dig through all those emails to find those darn handouts you’d forgotten about. Don’t forget to take advantage of office hours, your prof’s email, and all your classmates too 😉

Do it! For a distraction-free environment, clear your desk and your computer desktop. Set up Songza to play lyric-free music. And honestly? I wouldn’t worry about making breaks for yourself, if you’re a procrastinator. Once you’re in the flow of studying, it doesn’t really make sense to stop and give yourself a chance to procrastinate more. When you find yourself getting tired of studying, then it’s time to take a break!

Best of luck with your exams!