Category Archives: FIrst Year

For anyone doing neurophysiology…

Parts of the Brain, by Pinky and the Brain! I remember my psychology AP teacher showing this video to our class. The whole week after, all I could hear was “brainstem, brainstem!

I’m here for you, don’t rush.

I have a few couple of things to get off my chest.

First, thank you for all the support for my post about a sexist joke. I’m quite amazed at all the attention it got—the fact that people took the time to read it and understand it was awesome! I hope my message got across clearly, and that more people will be sharing the same sentiment that I felt. 🙂

Secondly, I’d like you all to know that my exams are less than a week away from now, and so I won’t be blogging very often (read: not at all) for the next week. However, I have course reviews that have to be written, and I’m planning on making a comic-post directed at prospective university students, so don’t go away entirely!

Thirdly—actually, that’s all. Here, listen to this song instead. I just can’t get it out of my head!

For people already partway through: Keep going! You can do it!

When I’m wearing rainboots…


Navigating lakes and puddles

It is worth noting that after maybe 10 uses of my brand-new rain boots, I have discovered that they now take on water. I am an unlucky duck.

FlexPass woes

So I bought a FlexPass for parking a few week ago, which makes parking a little cheaper for me in the long run.  I get 11 uses out of it, which is good because I take transit to school most of the time. You can’t go in and out of the parkade, though, which is too bad.

When I was buying it, I thought “hey, Thunderbird is an excellent place to park my car!” So I chose to activate my parking pass for the Thunderbird Parkade.

Now here is a list of the pros and cons of my decision:


  • It’s close to Osbourne.  There are kinesiology classes in Osbourne.


  • I have only one class in Osbourne next term. 
  • It’s 109238409283097 metres from everywhere else. Including all the exits off campus. 

My conclusion? I’m turning out to be more of a goof than I thought I was.

PS. SpellCheck is telling me ‘parkade’ isn’t a word.  Am I doing something wrong?

I’m back! But only sort of.

So I still have a ton of school work left to do, but I missed blogging too much to stop <3

Surprisingly, I’m not feeling the stress of final exams yet.  Maybe it’s because mine don’t start until December 12th? Which is relatively late… My final final exam is late too; it’s on the 19th.  Of course I would have exams up until the very end.

I’m really looking forward to the end of the week! Once we’re done class, I’m going to do two things:

  1. Sleep through more than two circadian rhythms.
  2. Rub it in the face of my younger sister, who has school until the 21st.

Anyways, got to go back to bullshitting writing beautifully crafted pieces full of excessive wordiness, needless verbiage, inordinate jargon, redundant loquacity, and general beating-around-the-bush. Will write soon, I promise!