Category Archives: FIrst Year

Taking steps to getting involved

Congratulations! We would like to offer you the opportunity to be a part of KIN Week.

Yay! Upon the sight of this, I did a happy jig. Well of course not on the outside. I limited myself to loud squealing and gushing only.  I applied to be one of the coordinators for UBC’s first ever KIN Week, and as you can see, I got the position!  I’m actually a little proud of myself.

It’s surprisingly easy to get involved. You don’t have to do much—just find something that interests you!  Maybe that means sports, or politics, or volunteering, or even clubbing 😉 It’s up to you! If you’re anything like me and you find talking to authorities figures terrifying a little intimidating, then simply do your research online.  There are tons of online resources out there for you to discover—here are some places you can find some neat volunteering and job oppurtunities!

  1. UBC FYI is a great place to start! Not only do they post about the cool going-ons around campus, but on the side there are links to excellent (UBC-owned) sites that can help you find your niche! I found out about Blog Squad through here. 🙂
  2. Your undergraduate faculty site! For me, it’s the KUS, but everyone has a different one!
  3. Facebook. No, no, I don’t mean stalking people! I’m talking about following pages of clubs and societies that you’re interested in—that way, you won’t miss opportunities as they arise.
  4. Need a job? Find one here.
  5. If you’re interested in the volunteering and leadership side of things, browse around the Centre for Student Involvement.  There’s tons of information there.  A mind-numbing amount, actually, so you might be better off just walking into the centre in-person.

Alright, I realize that most of these sites are UBC-owned.  But this is what I’m thinking: I chose to go to UBC, so I’m going to be a part of UBC.  Not just a random student fumbling through school, but a real, valuable member of the community! So using the resources available through the school to me—and you—isn’t a problem at all 🙂

Course Review: KIN 115B Gymnastics

So last Wednesday, October 17th was my gymnastics midterm, which marked the end of the gymnastics unit in my KIN 115 course.  It makes me a little sad to think that we won’t be doing gymnastics anymore.  I’d never done any gymnastics before, so it was a totally new learning experience for me (as it was for most of my peers).

Instructor: Jennifer Dober.  She’s actually a gymnastics coach, so she knows her stuff.  She does awesome demonstrations (because it’s gymnastics) and you can’t really help but be amazed.  We called her by her first name, as is usual in an athlete/coach relationship.

Time and Place: This class was only on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 2:00pm-4:00pm.  It was good, because by that time I was awake enough to function properly. Our classes were in Gym B East in the Osbourne Centre.  The facility has all the proper gymnastics equipment for youths.  However, sometimes there were problems with using the equipment, because there were guys as tall as 6’4 in my class. They managed to get around it okay, though.

Prerequisites: None, although I’d say you’d have to be moderately athletic to complete the gymnastics section of the course.  I’m not particularly strong—especially in my upper body—but most of the time I could make up for my weakness with flexibility.  The same can be said in reverse for many of the guys in my class; although they were not flexible, they had enough strength and power to cover their inflexibility.  For sure, though, you absolutely cannot be injured to take part in the course.

Textbook: You wouldn’t think that a gymnastics course would have a textbook, but no.  We had to buy a gymnastic coach’s manual directly from Jenn, which was $45.  You needed it for the midterm, but unless you’re planning to be a gym coach, it’ll be useless in the future.  I’m hoping to sell mine to another student taking this course.

The Marking System: Apart from the midterm, all the tests were done in class.  Basically, we learned each skill set within one or two classes (examples: forward rolls, headstands, cartwheels) and then we would be tested on whether we could do them or not.  If you could do the skill with proper technique, you got the mark—anything else, you failed that particular test. The focus of this class was mainly on being able to teach developmental gymnastics, though, so our two big projects were more based on that. The written midterm was harder than I expected, but I feel like I did reasonably okay on it.  We will have to see!

I can’t actually recommend this course to anyone outside of the school of kinesiology, as it’s a faculty-only course.  But for those who are in kinesiology, I can say that if you can, take it!  It’s an elective course, but even now I feel like I wouldn’t have had as much fun this term without it.  Plus, I’ve gotten to know the people in my class pretty well already because it’s such a small group! For a university class, we’re pretty tight 😀

In any case, that’s a wrap for this part of the course!  I’ll be posting a review on the second half later this term, as well as reviews for my other classes (check my About page).

Dinners for Kinners!

Here in UBC KIN, we’re like a ginormous extended family!  It’s one of the perks of being a small school within the university.  Everyone’s pretty friendly, and it’s easy to get close with each other because we pretty much all go to the same classes at the same times.

Anyways, the Kinesiology Undergraduate Society (KUS) thrives on the enthusiasm of KIN students and puts on a lot of different social events throughout the year. Regrettably, a couple of them (such as the annual Halloween Boat Cruise) require you to be 19+ in order to go. Dinners for Kinners, however, is all ages! D4K is (in the words of the coordinators) “one of the marquee traditions for UBC kinesiology students“.  Everyone in the faculty is invited to go out to eat at a restaurant together, and have a good time! Can any other faculty boast that amount of inclusion?

This past Thursday was Round 1 of D4K! We went out to The Eatery, which is a Japanese food restaurant with some really funky sushi combos. I had a Green Hornet Roll (yep, like the superhero) and ohmygod it was delicious!  Definitely one of best sushi rolls I’ve ever had.

Huffah, my table group! They are cool people.

Even better than the food, though, was that I got to hang out with new friends—without the pressure of exams hanging over us.  The overall mood was great, despite the drizzly weather!  About 80-ish people went, and we took up practically the whole restaurant. There were a couple of games played, and prizes given out.  The combination of post-exam relief, sanctuary from bad weather, and great noshes made for some good times!  🙂

It was a great way to end what was a horrible week for me. I can’t wait for the next one!

PS. Anyone have any suggestions on where we could go? 🙂

Ways to procrastinate: Impromptu dance party!

I mean what’s the point of music if you can’t dance or sing to it?

Line dancing is cool, yo.

And coming up…

Bieksa’s Buddies: The pseudo Canucks vs. UBC game!

Dinners for Kinners: Faculty love.

It’s been a long (but not long) weekend

Things I have to do for the upcoming week:

  1. Write a sport sociology (KIN 161) midterm exam on Tuesday morning.  Even though I get a double-sided “cheat sheet”, it will not be pretty.  I should have listened when they (every other blogger) told me to pre-read.
  2. Attend an anatomy (KIN 190) bell-ringer on Tuesday afternoon.  The bell-ringer is basically a test where each student goes around to stations and answer  questions on anatomy—in this case, specifically the skull, vertebral column, chest, and shoulders. SO. MUCH. MEMORIZATION.
  3. Write a gymnastics (KIN 115) midterm on Wednesday afternoon.  I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but I’m taking a gymnastics/dance class this term.  And yes, my midterm is a written one.  It shouldn’t be too hard, but I still have to remember all the fundamentals I’ve learned  in the past month.
  4. Present a sports sociology (KIN 161) debate on Thursday morning.  My group’s topic: “Be it resolved that sport is good for children”.
  5. Complete a chemistry (CHEM 121)  lab on Thursday afternoon.  Remember my last chemistry lab fiasco? I’m determined not to let it happen again.  But there’s just so much work I have to do beforehand…

I just want to curl up in my warm cozy bed and sleep forever! The rain is making me feel lethargic and lazy. I really, really don’t want to do my readings right now, even though I really, really should.

Here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to work really hard for an hour, and then listen to this song and watch this cute video and feel better.  And then I’m going to repeat again, and again.  Tally-ho!

Edit: Oh, for pineapple’s sake! I forgot about my in-class English essay tomorrow. 🙁