Category Archives: Health and Food

Turkey bloat

Hullo, everybody!

I hope that you’re all happy and content after the long weekend, and that you’ve counted your thanks.  I know I am and have 😀 I also happen to be sporting a healthy food baby.  Mmm, stuffing; the best part of the meal.  At times like these, I’m glad to be living at home.

I was hoping to post a picture of the turkey yesterday, but I got caught up with procrastinating  studying chemistry.  Chemistry, why must you be so confusing?

So here instead is a summary of my long weekend. Also, Kim’s.

Someone please, teach me how to study efficiently 🙁

Midweek Recap: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Why the past two days have been good:

  • I’m pretty sure I did well on my first ever midterm! It was easier than I anticipated, so I finished it in 20 min. Too bad it was only worth 10% of my KIN 190 (physiology)  mark.
  • I downloaded new music and it makes me happy.
  • I can do a cartwheel almost perfectly now! Yay, gymnastics class!
  • I got all my chemistry lab work done last night.  In less than 4 hours.  Yeah, I’m pretty impressed with me too.
  • I drove to school today, and I snagged the last cheap parking spot this morning. 😀

Why the past two days have been bad:

  • I’m exhausted.  I stayed at school late last night to finish my chemistry lab, and so I didn’t get home until 11.  I’m definitely not getting enough sleep; the dark circles under my eyes feel permanent.
  • I opened up a juice box today, took a sip, and realized it tasted like pineapple.  I’m allergic to pineapples.
  • Also, the job action is confusing me.  I thought we just went through this in highschool…
Something ugly:  
It turns out I completed the wrong pre-lab last night.  Suddenly, I’m not so impressed with myself, the lab professor is not impressed, and I’m realizing why it’s a really bad idea to do your lab work the night before. So for all you chemistry students: CHECK YOUR LAB SCHEDULE!

Eating in class (the right way)

Isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to listen your prof’s lecture, but instead all you can hear are the distinct crackling noises of your neighbour’s candy wrapper? Or even worse— when you’re distracted and embarrassed by the loud growls your own stomach is making?*

Yep! Been there, done that.

So here are some of my tips on how to prevent awkward hunger-situations!

  • Eat breakfast.  And lunch. And dinner.  Skipping meals isn’t good for you, so eat frequently! Your body will thank you later.
  • Bring the right types of food.  That means snack food, not your lunch!  Leave that veggie pizza for break. Granola bars are good, as are small fruits like grapes.
  • Don’t bring anything sticky or stinky to class.  No one wants to smell you and what you’re eating, so don’t bring in those onion pork buns, no matter how yummy they are! And you also probably don’t want fingerprints all over your shiny new laptop, so think about not eating juicy (but sticky!) fruits while you’re taking notes.
  • Don’t bring open drink containers into the lecture hall.  Those pop cans and juice boxes are just spills waiting to happen.  Starbucks and Timmy’s is okay, though, as are water bottles and mugs with lids.  Mmm, steaming hot tea is good in the morning.
  • Unwrap wrappers before class starts, so you don’t disrupt other people’s focus’.  Minimize as much trash as you possibly can, because garbage piles just aren’t that attractive.
  • Stomach growling and there’s no food? In a pinch, clap your arm over the offending organ. It will muffle the sounds.  Making a constipated face at the same time might help, but I can’t guarantee it.

I wonder if this is what goes on inside my torso during my sports sociology class…

*Once, my stomach growled so loud that my friend sitting next to me heard.  She started laughing, and it was embarrassing. But it’s okay because it happened again today in reverse so hah.