Tag Archives: because curlers are awesome

For once, a relaxed weekend

Here’s how I spent it:

  • Watching curling. The Tim Horton’s Brier (which is basically the big national tournament for men’s curling) are on, and I sat in front of the television and watched two of the biggest games. I’ve also been keeping tabs on the Canadian Junior women’s team (they’re from BC!) at Sochi. I’m hoping to actually watch a game, but it’s unlikely because of the different timezones. 🙁
  • Watching hockey. On Saturday night I went over to a friend’s house for dinner and to watch the Canucks. I admit that whenever I had control of the remote I changed it back to curling. More importantly, I got out of the house and socialized and learned about the rules of trading players between teams.
  • Eating. Um, I should start working out or something. I don’t really have the excuse of storing fat for the winter anymore, do I?

All in all, seems like a typical Canadian weekend. Happy Monday!