Tag Archives: SUB

The Future SUB

Courtesy of the AMS UBCV channel.


Can’t you just imagine it? Like now, it’s all like

“Yeah just going to the SUB for lunch”

But next year it’ll be like

“Yeah buddy just going to hang out in the SUUUUB” *pull on sunglasses*

We’ll be the coolest school in Western Canada.

March is Coupon Month

Coupons for the SUB at UBC

I think my much-stereotyped Asian frugality is showing.

I have a bunch of coupons I cut out from the AMS Insiders handbook (back when they were handing them out in September), due to expire in the beginning of April. Of course, I’ve forgotten to use them over the past 6 months, so now I’ll be eating at the SUB more often just to cash them in. They’ll only save me a dollar, but whatever.

On the other hand, can you believe that we’re nearly done first year? It seemed to go by super fast—especially this term. Now I’m busy trying to look for summer jobs to apply for whilst also studying for my last wave of midterms and finals. I’m not doing summer school, so I gotta find something to fill up my time until next semester. Four months, oh my god.

Sushi-bearing unicorns for anyone who has suggestions for the job-hunt! 😀