Unlike the rest of the UBC Blog Squad, I decided to volunteer to be a part of the Student Leadership Conference instead of attending as a delegate. I thought I’d get a different experience, y’know?

Also, I get to wear this cool t-shirt. Volunteers at this year’s SLC will be wearing purple and blue t-shirts, just FYI. 🙂
As a volunteer, I had to attend a volunteer work party. No no, it’s not like your employees’ annual Christmas party, but more like an orientation where we also do some menial-but-time-consuming-and-also-sort-of-important tasks in preparation for this Saturday. It was more fun than it sounds like, I swear!
Only after we did all that work did I realize how much there was to organizing the SLC. Â On the dry erase boards in the CSI&C there’s a giant list of things that need to be done by Saturday. So much stuff to do! At the volunteer party, we only helped out with a fraction of it. So it’s pretty amazing that everything will be running smoothly this Saturday (er, knock on wood). Huffah for the SLC planning committee!
The best thing about the work party is that it reminded me about how awesome it is to get involved. Although I’m not going to be attending any of the much-anticipated presentations (Paul’s especially excited), I think it’s going to be fun working behind the scenes and making things happen!
Hopefully I’ll see y’all there? 🙂
Psssst. You can still register to attend the SLC right…Â here!